1 | """executor.py."""
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | from errno import EINTR
5 |
6 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id
7 | from _devbuild.gen.option_asdl import builtin_i
8 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import RedirValue, trace
9 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import (
10 | command,
11 | command_e,
12 | CommandSub,
13 | CompoundWord,
14 | loc,
15 | loc_t,
16 | )
17 | from builtin import hay_ysh
18 | from core import dev
19 | from core import error
20 | from core import process
21 | from core.error import e_die, e_die_status
22 | from core import pyos
23 | from core import pyutil
24 | from core import state
25 | from display import ui
26 | from core import vm
27 | from frontend import consts
28 | from frontend import lexer
29 | from mycpp.mylib import log
30 |
31 | import posix_ as posix
32 |
33 | from typing import cast, Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
35 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import (cmd_value, CommandStatus,
36 | StatusArray)
37 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import command_t
38 | from builtin import trap_osh
39 | from core import optview
40 | from core import state
41 | from core.vm import _Builtin
42 |
43 | _ = log
44 |
45 |
46 | class _ProcessSubFrame(object):
47 | """To keep track of diff <(cat 1) <(cat 2) > >(tac)"""
48 |
49 | def __init__(self):
50 | # type: () -> None
51 |
52 | # These objects appear unconditionally in the main loop, and aren't
53 | # commonly used, so we manually optimize [] into None.
54 |
55 | self._to_wait = [] # type: List[process.Process]
56 | self._to_close = [] # type: List[int] # file descriptors
57 | self._locs = [] # type: List[loc_t]
58 | self._modified = False
59 |
60 | def WasModified(self):
61 | # type: () -> bool
62 | return self._modified
63 |
64 | def Append(self, p, fd, status_loc):
65 | # type: (process.Process, int, loc_t) -> None
66 | self._modified = True
67 |
68 | self._to_wait.append(p)
69 | self._to_close.append(fd)
70 | self._locs.append(status_loc)
71 |
72 | def MaybeWaitOnProcessSubs(self, waiter, status_array):
73 | # type: (process.Waiter, StatusArray) -> None
74 |
75 | # Wait in the same order that they were evaluated. That seems fine.
76 | for fd in self._to_close:
77 | posix.close(fd)
78 |
79 | codes = [] # type: List[int]
80 | locs = [] # type: List[loc_t]
81 | for i, p in enumerate(self._to_wait):
82 | #log('waiting for %s', p)
83 | st = p.Wait(waiter)
84 | codes.append(st)
85 | locs.append(self._locs[i])
86 |
87 | status_array.codes = codes
88 | status_array.locs = locs
89 |
90 |
91 | # Big flgas for RunSimpleCommand
92 | DO_FORK = 1 << 1
93 | NO_CALL_PROCS = 1 << 2 # command ls suppresses function lookup
94 | USE_DEFAULT_PATH = 1 << 3 # for command -p ls changes the path
95 |
96 | # Copied from var.c in dash
98 | '/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin',
99 | '/bin'
100 | ]
101 |
102 |
103 | class ShellExecutor(vm._Executor):
104 | """An executor combined with the OSH language evaluators in osh/ to create
105 | a shell interpreter."""
106 |
107 | def __init__(
108 | self,
109 | mem, # type: state.Mem
110 | exec_opts, # type: optview.Exec
111 | mutable_opts, # type: state.MutableOpts
112 | procs, # type: state.Procs
113 | hay_state, # type: hay_ysh.HayState
114 | builtins, # type: Dict[int, _Builtin]
115 | search_path, # type: state.SearchPath
116 | ext_prog, # type: process.ExternalProgram
117 | waiter, # type: process.Waiter
118 | tracer, # type: dev.Tracer
119 | job_control, # type: process.JobControl
120 | job_list, # type: process.JobList
121 | fd_state, # type: process.FdState
122 | trap_state, # type: trap_osh.TrapState
123 | errfmt # type: ui.ErrorFormatter
124 | ):
125 | # type: (...) -> None
126 | vm._Executor.__init__(self)
127 | self.mem = mem
128 | self.exec_opts = exec_opts
129 | self.mutable_opts = mutable_opts # for IsDisabled(), not mutating
130 | self.procs = procs
131 | self.hay_state = hay_state
132 | self.builtins = builtins
133 | self.search_path = search_path
134 | self.ext_prog = ext_prog
135 | self.waiter = waiter
136 | self.tracer = tracer
137 | self.multi_trace = tracer.multi_trace
138 | self.job_control = job_control
139 | # sleep 5 & puts a (PID, job#) entry here. And then "jobs" displays it.
140 | self.job_list = job_list
141 | self.fd_state = fd_state
142 | self.trap_state = trap_state
143 | self.errfmt = errfmt
144 | self.process_sub_stack = [] # type: List[_ProcessSubFrame]
145 | self.clean_frame_pool = [] # type: List[_ProcessSubFrame]
146 |
147 | # When starting a pipeline in the foreground, we need to pass a handle to it
148 | # through the evaluation of the last node back to ourselves for execution.
149 | # We use this handle to make sure any processes forked for the last part of
150 | # the pipeline are placed into the same process group as the rest of the
151 | # pipeline. Since there is, by design, only ever one foreground pipeline and
152 | # any pipelines started within subshells run in their parent's process
153 | # group, we only need one pointer here, not some collection.
154 | self.fg_pipeline = None # type: Optional[process.Pipeline]
155 |
156 | def CheckCircularDeps(self):
157 | # type: () -> None
158 | assert self.cmd_ev is not None
159 |
160 | def _MakeProcess(self, node, inherit_errexit=True):
161 | # type: (command_t, bool) -> process.Process
162 | """Assume we will run the node in another process.
163 |
164 | Return a process.
165 | """
166 | UP_node = node
167 | if node.tag() == command_e.ControlFlow:
168 | node = cast(command.ControlFlow, UP_node)
169 | # Pipeline or subshells with control flow are invalid, e.g.:
170 | # - break | less
171 | # - continue | less
172 | # - ( return )
173 | # NOTE: This could be done at parse time too.
174 | if node.keyword.id != Id.ControlFlow_Exit:
175 | e_die(
176 | 'Invalid control flow %r in pipeline / subshell / background'
177 | % lexer.TokenVal(node.keyword), node.keyword)
178 |
179 | # NOTE: If ErrExit(), we could be verbose about subprogram errors? This
180 | # only really matters when executing 'exit 42', because the child shell
181 | # inherits errexit and will be verbose. Other notes:
182 | #
183 | # - We might want errors to fit on a single line so they don't get #
184 | # interleaved.
185 | # - We could turn the `exit` builtin into a error.FatalRuntime exception
186 | # and get this check for "free".
187 | thunk = process.SubProgramThunk(self.cmd_ev,
188 | node,
189 | self.trap_state,
190 | self.multi_trace,
191 | inherit_errexit=inherit_errexit)
192 | p = process.Process(thunk, self.job_control, self.job_list,
193 | self.tracer)
194 | return p
195 |
196 | def RunBuiltin(self, builtin_id, cmd_val):
197 | # type: (int, cmd_value.Argv) -> int
198 | """Run a builtin.
199 |
200 | Also called by the 'builtin' builtin.
201 | """
202 | self.tracer.OnBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val.argv)
203 |
204 | builtin_func = self.builtins[builtin_id]
205 |
206 | io_errors = [] # type: List[error.IOError_OSError]
207 | with vm.ctx_FlushStdout(io_errors):
208 | # note: could be second word, like 'builtin read'
209 | with ui.ctx_Location(self.errfmt, cmd_val.arg_locs[0]):
210 | try:
211 | status = builtin_func.Run(cmd_val)
212 | assert isinstance(status, int)
213 | except (IOError, OSError) as e:
214 | self.errfmt.PrintMessage(
215 | '%s builtin I/O error: %s' %
216 | (cmd_val.argv[0], pyutil.strerror(e)),
217 | cmd_val.arg_locs[0])
218 | return 1
219 | except error.Usage as e:
220 | arg0 = cmd_val.argv[0]
221 | # e.g. 'type' doesn't accept flag '-x'
222 | self.errfmt.PrefixPrint(e.msg, '%r ' % arg0, e.location)
223 | return 2 # consistent error code for usage error
224 |
225 | if len(io_errors): # e.g. disk full, ulimit
226 | self.errfmt.PrintMessage(
227 | '%s builtin I/O error: %s' %
228 | (cmd_val.argv[0], pyutil.strerror(io_errors[0])),
229 | cmd_val.arg_locs[0])
230 | return 1
231 |
232 | return status
233 |
234 | def RunSimpleCommand(self, cmd_val, cmd_st, run_flags):
235 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv, CommandStatus, int) -> int
236 | """Run builtins, functions, external commands.
237 |
238 | Possible variations:
239 | - YSH might have different, simpler rules. No special builtins, etc.
240 | - YSH might have OILS_PATH = :| /bin /usr/bin | or something.
241 | - Interpreters might want to define all their own builtins.
242 | """
243 | argv = cmd_val.argv
244 | if len(cmd_val.arg_locs):
245 | arg0_loc = cmd_val.arg_locs[0] # type: loc_t
246 | else:
247 | arg0_loc = loc.Missing
248 |
249 | # This happens when you write "$@" but have no arguments.
250 | if len(argv) == 0:
251 | if self.exec_opts.strict_argv():
252 | e_die("Command evaluated to an empty argv array", arg0_loc)
253 | else:
254 | return 0 # status 0, or skip it?
255 |
256 | arg0 = argv[0]
257 |
258 | builtin_id = consts.LookupAssignBuiltin(arg0)
259 | if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX:
260 | # command readonly is disallowed, for technical reasons. Could relax it
261 | # later.
262 | self.errfmt.Print_("Can't run assignment builtin recursively",
263 | arg0_loc)
264 | return 1
265 |
266 | builtin_id = consts.LookupSpecialBuiltin(arg0)
267 | if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX:
268 | cmd_st.show_code = True # this is a "leaf" for errors
269 | status = self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val)
270 | # TODO: Enable this and fix spec test failures.
271 | # Also update _SPECIAL_BUILTINS in osh/builtin.py.
272 | #if status != 0:
273 | # e_die_status(status, 'special builtin failed')
274 | return status
275 |
276 | call_procs = not (run_flags & NO_CALL_PROCS)
277 | # Builtins like 'true' can be redefined as functions.
278 | if call_procs:
279 | # TODO: Look shell functions in self.sh_funcs, but procs are
280 | # value.Proc in the var namespace.
281 | # Pitfall: What happens if there are two of the same name? I guess
282 | # that's why you have = and 'type' inspect them
283 |
284 | proc_node = self.procs.Get(arg0)
285 | if proc_node is not None:
286 | if self.exec_opts.strict_errexit():
287 | disabled_tok = self.mutable_opts.ErrExitDisabledToken()
288 | if disabled_tok:
289 | self.errfmt.Print_(
290 | 'errexit was disabled for this construct',
291 | disabled_tok)
292 | self.errfmt.StderrLine('')
293 | e_die(
294 | "Can't run a proc while errexit is disabled. "
295 | "Use 'try' or wrap it in a process with $0 myproc",
296 | arg0_loc)
297 |
298 | with dev.ctx_Tracer(self.tracer, 'proc', argv):
299 | # NOTE: Functions could call 'exit 42' directly, etc.
300 | status = self.cmd_ev.RunProc(proc_node, cmd_val)
301 | return status
302 |
303 | # Notes:
304 | # - procs shadow hay names
305 | # - hay names shadow normal builtins? Should we limit to CAPS or no?
306 | if self.hay_state.Resolve(arg0):
307 | return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_i.haynode, cmd_val)
308 |
309 | builtin_id = consts.LookupNormalBuiltin(arg0)
310 |
311 | if self.exec_opts._running_hay():
312 | # Hay: limit the builtins that can be run
313 | # - declare 'use dialect'
314 | # - echo and write for debugging
315 | # - no JSON?
316 | if builtin_id in (builtin_i.haynode, builtin_i.use, builtin_i.echo,
317 | builtin_i.write):
318 | cmd_st.show_code = True # this is a "leaf" for errors
319 | return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val)
320 |
321 | self.errfmt.Print_('Unknown command %r while running hay' % arg0,
322 | arg0_loc)
323 | return 127
324 |
325 | if builtin_id != consts.NO_INDEX:
326 | cmd_st.show_code = True # this is a "leaf" for errors
327 | return self.RunBuiltin(builtin_id, cmd_val)
328 |
329 | environ = self.mem.GetExported() # Include temporary variables
330 |
331 | if cmd_val.typed_args:
332 | e_die(
333 | '%r appears to be external. External commands don\'t accept typed args (OILS-ERR-200)'
334 | % arg0, cmd_val.typed_args.left)
335 |
336 | # Resolve argv[0] BEFORE forking.
337 | if run_flags & USE_DEFAULT_PATH:
338 | argv0_path = state.LookupExecutable(arg0, DEFAULT_PATH)
339 | else:
340 | argv0_path = self.search_path.CachedLookup(arg0)
341 | if argv0_path is None:
342 | self.errfmt.Print_('%r not found (OILS-ERR-100)' % arg0, arg0_loc)
343 | return 127
344 |
345 | # Normal case: ls /
346 | if run_flags & DO_FORK:
347 | thunk = process.ExternalThunk(self.ext_prog, argv0_path, cmd_val,
348 | environ)
349 | p = process.Process(thunk, self.job_control, self.job_list,
350 | self.tracer)
351 |
352 | if self.job_control.Enabled():
353 | if self.fg_pipeline is not None:
354 | pgid = self.fg_pipeline.ProcessGroupId()
355 | # If job control is enabled, this should be true
356 | assert pgid != process.INVALID_PGID
357 |
358 | change = process.SetPgid(pgid, self.tracer)
359 | self.fg_pipeline = None # clear to avoid confusion in subshells
360 | else:
361 | change = process.SetPgid(process.OWN_LEADER, self.tracer)
362 | p.AddStateChange(change)
363 |
364 | status = p.RunProcess(self.waiter, trace.External(cmd_val.argv))
365 |
366 | # this is close to a "leaf" for errors
367 | # problem: permission denied EACCESS prints duplicate messages
368 | # TODO: add message command 'ls' failed
369 | cmd_st.show_code = True
370 |
371 | return status
372 |
373 | self.tracer.OnExec(cmd_val.argv)
374 |
375 | # Already forked for pipeline: ls / | wc -l
376 | self.ext_prog.Exec(argv0_path, cmd_val, environ) # NEVER RETURNS
377 |
378 | raise AssertionError('for -Wreturn-type in C++')
379 |
380 | def RunBackgroundJob(self, node):
381 | # type: (command_t) -> int
382 | """For & etc."""
383 | # Special case for pipeline. There is some evidence here:
384 | # https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Launching-Jobs.html#Launching-Jobs
385 | #
386 | # "You can either make all the processes in the process group be children
387 | # of the shell process, or you can make one process in group be the
388 | # ancestor of all the other processes in that group. The sample shell
389 | # program presented in this chapter uses the first approach because it
390 | # makes bookkeeping somewhat simpler."
391 | UP_node = node
392 |
393 | if UP_node.tag() == command_e.Pipeline:
394 | node = cast(command.Pipeline, UP_node)
395 | pi = process.Pipeline(self.exec_opts.sigpipe_status_ok(),
396 | self.job_control, self.job_list, self.tracer)
397 | for child in node.children:
398 | p = self._MakeProcess(child)
399 | p.Init_ParentPipeline(pi)
400 | pi.Add(p)
401 |
402 | pi.StartPipeline(self.waiter)
403 | pi.SetBackground()
404 | last_pid = pi.LastPid()
405 | self.mem.last_bg_pid = last_pid # for $!
406 |
407 | self.job_list.AddJob(pi) # show in 'jobs' list
408 |
409 | else:
410 | # Problem: to get the 'set -b' behavior of immediate notifications, we
411 | # have to register SIGCHLD. But then that introduces race conditions.
412 | # If we haven't called Register yet, then we won't know who to notify.
413 |
414 | p = self._MakeProcess(node)
415 | if self.job_control.Enabled():
416 | p.AddStateChange(
417 | process.SetPgid(process.OWN_LEADER, self.tracer))
418 |
419 | p.SetBackground()
420 | pid = p.StartProcess(trace.Fork)
421 | self.mem.last_bg_pid = pid # for $!
422 | self.job_list.AddJob(p) # show in 'jobs' list
423 | return 0
424 |
425 | def RunPipeline(self, node, status_out):
426 | # type: (command.Pipeline, CommandStatus) -> None
427 |
428 | pi = process.Pipeline(self.exec_opts.sigpipe_status_ok(),
429 | self.job_control, self.job_list, self.tracer)
430 |
431 | # initialized with CommandStatus.CreateNull()
432 | pipe_locs = [] # type: List[loc_t]
433 |
434 | # First n-1 processes (which is empty when n == 1)
435 | n = len(node.children)
436 | for i in xrange(n - 1):
437 | child = node.children[i]
438 |
439 | # TODO: determine these locations at parse time?
440 | pipe_locs.append(loc.Command(child))
441 |
442 | p = self._MakeProcess(child)
443 | p.Init_ParentPipeline(pi)
444 | pi.Add(p)
445 |
446 | last_child = node.children[n - 1]
447 | # Last piece of code is in THIS PROCESS. 'echo foo | read line; echo $line'
448 | pi.AddLast((self.cmd_ev, last_child))
449 | pipe_locs.append(loc.Command(last_child))
450 |
451 | with dev.ctx_Tracer(self.tracer, 'pipeline', None):
452 | pi.StartPipeline(self.waiter)
453 | self.fg_pipeline = pi
454 | status_out.pipe_status = pi.RunLastPart(self.waiter, self.fd_state)
455 | self.fg_pipeline = None # clear in case we didn't end up forking
456 |
457 | status_out.pipe_locs = pipe_locs
458 |
459 | def RunSubshell(self, node):
460 | # type: (command_t) -> int
461 | p = self._MakeProcess(node)
462 | if self.job_control.Enabled():
463 | p.AddStateChange(process.SetPgid(process.OWN_LEADER, self.tracer))
464 |
465 | return p.RunProcess(self.waiter, trace.ForkWait)
466 |
467 | def RunCommandSub(self, cs_part):
468 | # type: (CommandSub) -> str
469 |
470 | if not self.exec_opts._allow_command_sub():
471 | # _allow_command_sub is used in two places. Only one of them turns off _allow_process_sub
472 | if not self.exec_opts._allow_process_sub():
473 | why = "status wouldn't be checked (strict_errexit)"
474 | else:
475 | why = 'eval_unsafe_arith is off'
476 |
477 | e_die("Command subs not allowed here because %s" % why,
478 | loc.WordPart(cs_part))
479 |
480 | node = cs_part.child
481 |
482 | # Hack for weird $(<file) construct
483 | if node.tag() == command_e.Redirect:
484 | redir_node = cast(command.Redirect, node)
485 | # Detect '< file'
486 | if (len(redir_node.redirects) == 1 and
487 | redir_node.redirects[0].op.id == Id.Redir_Less and
488 | redir_node.child.tag() == command_e.NoOp):
489 |
490 | # Change it to __cat < file.
491 | # TODO: could be 'internal cat' (issue #1013)
492 | tok = lexer.DummyToken(Id.Lit_Chars, '__cat')
493 | cat_word = CompoundWord([tok])
494 |
495 | # Blame < because __cat has no location
496 | blame_tok = redir_node.redirects[0].op
497 | simple = command.Simple(blame_tok, [], [cat_word], None, None,
498 | True)
499 |
500 | # MUTATE redir node so it's like $(<file _cat)
501 | redir_node.child = simple
502 |
503 | p = self._MakeProcess(node,
504 | inherit_errexit=self.exec_opts.inherit_errexit())
505 | # Shell quirk: Command subs remain part of the shell's process group, so we
506 | # don't use p.AddStateChange(process.SetPgid(...))
507 |
508 | r, w = posix.pipe()
509 | p.AddStateChange(process.StdoutToPipe(r, w))
510 |
511 | p.StartProcess(trace.CommandSub)
512 | #log('Command sub started %d', pid)
513 |
514 | chunks = [] # type: List[str]
515 | posix.close(w) # not going to write
516 | while True:
517 | n, err_num = pyos.Read(r, 4096, chunks)
518 |
519 | if n < 0:
520 | if err_num == EINTR:
521 | pass # retry
522 | else:
523 | # Like the top level IOError handler
524 | e_die_status(
525 | 2,
526 | 'osh I/O error (read): %s' % posix.strerror(err_num))
527 |
528 | elif n == 0: # EOF
529 | break
530 | posix.close(r)
531 |
532 | status = p.Wait(self.waiter)
533 |
534 | # OSH has the concept of aborting in the middle of a WORD. We're not
535 | # waiting until the command is over!
536 | if self.exec_opts.command_sub_errexit():
537 | if status != 0:
538 | msg = 'Command Sub exited with status %d' % status
539 | raise error.ErrExit(status, msg, loc.WordPart(cs_part))
540 |
541 | else:
542 | # Set a flag so we check errexit at the same time as bash. Example:
543 | #
544 | # a=$(false)
545 | # echo foo # no matter what comes here, the flag is reset
546 | #
547 | # Set ONLY until this command node has finished executing.
548 |
549 | # HACK: move this
550 | self.cmd_ev.check_command_sub_status = True
551 | self.mem.SetLastStatus(status)
552 |
553 | # Runtime errors test case: # $("echo foo > $@")
554 | # Why rstrip()?
555 | # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/17747/why-does-shell-command-substitution-gobble-up-a-trailing-newline-char
556 | return ''.join(chunks).rstrip('\n')
557 |
558 | def RunProcessSub(self, cs_part):
559 | # type: (CommandSub) -> str
560 | """Process sub creates a forks a process connected to a pipe.
561 |
562 | The pipe is typically passed to another process via a /dev/fd/$FD path.
563 |
564 | Life cycle of a process substitution:
565 |
566 | 1. Start with this code
567 |
568 | diff <(seq 3) <(seq 4)
569 |
570 | 2. To evaluate the command line, we evaluate every word. The
571 | NormalWordEvaluator this method, RunProcessSub(), which does 3 things:
572 |
573 | a. Create a pipe(), getting r and w
574 | b. Starts the seq process, which inherits r and w
575 | It has a StdoutToPipe() redirect, which means that it dup2(w, 1)
576 | and close(r)
577 | c. Close the w FD, because neither the shell or 'diff' will write to it.
578 | However we must retain 'r', because 'diff' hasn't opened /dev/fd yet!
579 | d. We evaluate <(seq 3) to /dev/fd/$r, so "diff" can read from it
580 |
581 | 3. Now we're done evaluating every word, so we know the command line of
582 | diff, which looks like
583 |
584 | diff /dev/fd/64 /dev/fd/65
585 |
586 | Those are the FDs for the read ends of the pipes we created.
587 |
588 | 4. diff inherits a copy of the read end of bot pipes. But it actually
589 | calls open() both files passed as argv. (I think this is fine.)
590 |
591 | 5. wait() for the diff process.
592 |
593 | 6. The shell closes both the read ends of both pipes. Neither us or
594 | 'diffd' will read again.
595 |
596 | 7. The shell waits for both 'seq' processes.
597 |
598 | Related:
599 | shopt -s process_sub_fail
600 | _process_sub_status
601 | """
602 | cs_loc = loc.WordPart(cs_part)
603 |
604 | if not self.exec_opts._allow_process_sub():
605 | e_die(
606 | "Process subs not allowed here because status wouldn't be checked (strict_errexit)",
607 | cs_loc)
608 |
609 | p = self._MakeProcess(cs_part.child)
610 |
611 | r, w = posix.pipe()
612 | #log('pipe = %d, %d', r, w)
613 |
614 | op_id = cs_part.left_token.id
615 | if op_id == Id.Left_ProcSubIn:
616 | # Example: cat < <(head foo.txt)
617 | #
618 | # The head process should write its stdout to a pipe.
619 | redir = process.StdoutToPipe(r,
620 | w) # type: process.ChildStateChange
621 |
622 | elif op_id == Id.Left_ProcSubOut:
623 | # Example: head foo.txt > >(tac)
624 | #
625 | # The tac process should read its stdin from a pipe.
626 |
627 | # Note: this example sometimes requires you to hit "enter" in bash and
628 | # zsh. WHy?
629 | redir = process.StdinFromPipe(r, w)
630 |
631 | else:
632 | raise AssertionError()
633 |
634 | p.AddStateChange(redir)
635 |
636 | if self.job_control.Enabled():
637 | p.AddStateChange(process.SetPgid(process.OWN_LEADER, self.tracer))
638 |
639 | # Fork, letting the child inherit the pipe file descriptors.
640 | p.StartProcess(trace.ProcessSub)
641 |
642 | ps_frame = self.process_sub_stack[-1]
643 |
644 | # Note: bash never waits() on the process, but zsh does. The calling
645 | # program needs to read() before we can wait, e.g.
646 | # diff <(sort left.txt) <(sort right.txt)
647 |
648 | # After forking, close the end of the pipe we're not using.
649 | if op_id == Id.Left_ProcSubIn:
650 | posix.close(w) # cat < <(head foo.txt)
651 | ps_frame.Append(p, r, cs_loc) # close later
652 | elif op_id == Id.Left_ProcSubOut:
653 | posix.close(r)
654 | #log('Left_ProcSubOut closed %d', r)
655 | ps_frame.Append(p, w, cs_loc) # close later
656 | else:
657 | raise AssertionError()
658 |
659 | # Is /dev Linux-specific?
660 | if op_id == Id.Left_ProcSubIn:
661 | return '/dev/fd/%d' % r
662 |
663 | elif op_id == Id.Left_ProcSubOut:
664 | return '/dev/fd/%d' % w
665 |
666 | else:
667 | raise AssertionError()
668 |
669 | def PushRedirects(self, redirects, err_out):
670 | # type: (List[RedirValue], List[error.IOError_OSError]) -> None
671 | if len(redirects) == 0: # Optimized to avoid allocs
672 | return
673 | self.fd_state.Push(redirects, err_out)
674 |
675 | def PopRedirects(self, num_redirects, err_out):
676 | # type: (int, List[error.IOError_OSError]) -> None
677 | if num_redirects == 0: # Optimized to avoid allocs
678 | return
679 | self.fd_state.Pop(err_out)
680 |
681 | def PushProcessSub(self):
682 | # type: () -> None
683 | if len(self.clean_frame_pool):
684 | # Optimized to avoid allocs
685 | new_frame = self.clean_frame_pool.pop()
686 | else:
687 | new_frame = _ProcessSubFrame()
688 | self.process_sub_stack.append(new_frame)
689 |
690 | def PopProcessSub(self, compound_st):
691 | # type: (StatusArray) -> None
692 | """This method is called by a context manager, which means we always
693 | wait() on the way out, which I think is the right thing.
694 |
695 | We don't always set _process_sub_status, e.g. if some fatal
696 | error occurs first, but we always wait.
697 | """
698 | frame = self.process_sub_stack.pop()
699 | if frame.WasModified():
700 | frame.MaybeWaitOnProcessSubs(self.waiter, compound_st)
701 | else:
702 | # Optimized to avoid allocs
703 | self.clean_frame_pool.append(frame)
704 |
705 | # Note: the 3 lists in _ProcessSubFrame are hot in our profiles. It would
706 | # be nice to somehow "destroy" them here, rather than letting them become
707 | # garbage that needs to be traced.
708 |
709 | # The CommandEvaluator could have a ProcessSubStack, which supports Push(),
710 | # Pop(), and Top() of VALUES rather than GC objects?
711 |
712 |
713 | # vim: sw=4