1 | """
2 | format.py -- Pretty print an ASDL data structure.
3 |
4 | TODO: replace ad hoc line wrapper, e.g. _TrySingleLine
5 |
6 | - auto-abbreviation of single field things (minus location)
7 | - option to omit spaces for SQ, SQ, W? It's all one thing.
8 |
9 | Where we try wrap to a single line:
10 | - arrays
11 | - objects with name fields
12 | - abbreviated, unnamed fields
13 | """
14 | from typing import Tuple, List
15 |
16 | from _devbuild.gen.hnode_asdl import (hnode, hnode_e, hnode_t, color_e,
17 | color_t)
18 | from display import ansi
19 | from data_lang import j8_lite
20 | from pylib import cgi
21 | from mycpp import mylib
22 |
23 | from typing import cast, Any, Optional
24 |
25 | if mylib.PYTHON:
26 |
27 | def PrettyPrint(obj, f=None):
28 | # type: (Any, Optional[mylib.Writer]) -> None
29 | """Print abbreviated tree in color. For unit tests."""
30 | f = f if f else mylib.Stdout()
31 |
32 | ast_f = DetectConsoleOutput(f)
33 | tree = obj.AbbreviatedTree()
34 | PrintTree(tree, ast_f)
35 |
36 |
37 | def DetectConsoleOutput(f):
38 | # type: (mylib.Writer) -> ColorOutput
39 | """Wrapped to auto-detect."""
40 | if f.isatty():
41 | return AnsiOutput(f)
42 | else:
43 | return TextOutput(f)
44 |
45 |
46 | class ColorOutput(object):
47 | """Abstract base class for plain text, ANSI color, and HTML color."""
48 |
49 | def __init__(self, f):
50 | # type: (mylib.Writer) -> None
51 | self.f = f
52 | self.num_chars = 0
53 |
54 | def NewTempBuffer(self):
55 | # type: () -> ColorOutput
56 | """Return a temporary buffer for the line wrapping calculation."""
57 | raise NotImplementedError()
58 |
59 | def FileHeader(self):
60 | # type: () -> None
61 | """Hook for printing a full file."""
62 | pass
63 |
64 | def FileFooter(self):
65 | # type: () -> None
66 | """Hook for printing a full file."""
67 | pass
68 |
69 | def PushColor(self, e_color):
70 | # type: (color_t) -> None
71 | raise NotImplementedError()
72 |
73 | def PopColor(self):
74 | # type: () -> None
75 | raise NotImplementedError()
76 |
77 | def write(self, s):
78 | # type: (str) -> None
79 | self.f.write(s)
80 | self.num_chars += len(s) # Only count visible characters!
81 |
82 | def WriteRaw(self, raw):
83 | # type: (Tuple[str, int]) -> None
84 | """Write raw data without escaping, and without counting control codes
85 | in the length."""
86 | s, num_chars = raw
87 | self.f.write(s)
88 | self.num_chars += num_chars
89 |
90 | def NumChars(self):
91 | # type: () -> int
92 | return self.num_chars
93 |
94 | def GetRaw(self):
95 | # type: () -> Tuple[str, int]
96 |
97 | # NOTE: Ensured by NewTempBuffer()
98 | f = cast(mylib.BufWriter, self.f)
99 | return f.getvalue(), self.num_chars
100 |
101 |
102 | class TextOutput(ColorOutput):
103 | """TextOutput put obeys the color interface, but outputs nothing."""
104 |
105 | def __init__(self, f):
106 | # type: (mylib.Writer) -> None
107 | ColorOutput.__init__(self, f)
108 |
109 | def NewTempBuffer(self):
110 | # type: () -> TextOutput
111 | return TextOutput(mylib.BufWriter())
112 |
113 | def PushColor(self, e_color):
114 | # type: (color_t) -> None
115 | pass # ignore color
116 |
117 | def PopColor(self):
118 | # type: () -> None
119 | pass # ignore color
120 |
121 |
122 | class HtmlOutput(ColorOutput):
123 | """HTML one can have wider columns. Maybe not even fixed-width font. Hm
124 | yeah indentation should be logical then?
125 |
126 | Color: HTML spans
127 | """
128 |
129 | def __init__(self, f):
130 | # type: (mylib.Writer) -> None
131 | ColorOutput.__init__(self, f)
132 |
133 | def NewTempBuffer(self):
134 | # type: () -> HtmlOutput
135 | return HtmlOutput(mylib.BufWriter())
136 |
137 | def FileHeader(self):
138 | # type: () -> None
139 | # TODO: Use a different CSS file to make the colors match. I like string
140 | # literals as yellow, etc.
141 | #<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/code.css" />
142 | self.f.write("""
143 | <html>
144 | <head>
145 | <title>oil AST</title>
146 | <style>
147 | .n { color: brown }
148 | .s { font-weight: bold }
149 | .o { color: darkgreen }
150 | </style>
151 | </head>
152 | <body>
153 | <pre>
154 | """)
155 |
156 | def FileFooter(self):
157 | # type: () -> None
158 | self.f.write("""
159 | </pre>
160 | </body>
161 | </html>
162 | """)
163 |
164 | def PushColor(self, e_color):
165 | # type: (color_t) -> None
166 | # To save bandwidth, use single character CSS names.
167 | if e_color == color_e.TypeName:
168 | css_class = 'n'
169 | elif e_color == color_e.StringConst:
170 | css_class = 's'
171 | elif e_color == color_e.OtherConst:
172 | css_class = 'o'
173 | elif e_color == color_e.External:
174 | css_class = 'o'
175 | elif e_color == color_e.UserType:
176 | css_class = 'o'
177 | else:
178 | raise AssertionError(e_color)
179 | self.f.write('<span class="%s">' % css_class)
180 |
181 | def PopColor(self):
182 | # type: () -> None
183 | self.f.write('</span>')
184 |
185 | def write(self, s):
186 | # type: (str) -> None
187 |
188 | # PROBLEM: Double escaping!
189 | self.f.write(cgi.escape(s))
190 | self.num_chars += len(s) # Only count visible characters!
191 |
192 |
193 | class AnsiOutput(ColorOutput):
194 | """For the console."""
195 |
196 | def __init__(self, f):
197 | # type: (mylib.Writer) -> None
198 | ColorOutput.__init__(self, f)
199 |
200 | def NewTempBuffer(self):
201 | # type: () -> AnsiOutput
202 | return AnsiOutput(mylib.BufWriter())
203 |
204 | def PushColor(self, e_color):
205 | # type: (color_t) -> None
206 | if e_color == color_e.TypeName:
207 | self.f.write(ansi.YELLOW)
208 | elif e_color == color_e.StringConst:
209 | self.f.write(ansi.BOLD)
210 | elif e_color == color_e.OtherConst:
211 | self.f.write(ansi.GREEN)
212 | elif e_color == color_e.External:
213 | self.f.write(ansi.BOLD + ansi.BLUE)
214 | elif e_color == color_e.UserType:
215 | self.f.write(ansi.GREEN) # Same color as other literals for now
216 | else:
217 | raise AssertionError(e_color)
218 |
219 | def PopColor(self):
220 | # type: () -> None
221 | self.f.write(ansi.RESET)
222 |
223 |
224 | INDENT = 2
225 |
226 |
227 | class _PrettyPrinter(object):
228 |
229 | def __init__(self, max_col):
230 | # type: (int) -> None
231 | self.max_col = max_col
232 |
233 | def _PrintWrappedArray(self, array, prefix_len, f, indent):
234 | # type: (List[hnode_t], int, ColorOutput, int) -> bool
235 | """Print an array of objects with line wrapping.
236 |
237 | Returns whether they all fit on a single line, so you can print
238 | the closing brace properly.
239 | """
240 | all_fit = True
241 | chars_so_far = prefix_len
242 |
243 | for i, val in enumerate(array):
244 | if i != 0:
245 | f.write(' ')
246 |
247 | single_f = f.NewTempBuffer()
248 | if _TrySingleLine(val, single_f, self.max_col - chars_so_far):
249 | s, num_chars = single_f.GetRaw() # extra unpacking for mycpp
250 | f.WriteRaw((s, num_chars))
251 | chars_so_far += single_f.NumChars()
252 | else: # WRAP THE LINE
253 | f.write('\n')
254 | self.PrintNode(val, f, indent + INDENT)
255 |
256 | chars_so_far = 0 # allow more
257 | all_fit = False
258 | return all_fit
259 |
260 | def _PrintWholeArray(self, array, prefix_len, f, indent):
261 | # type: (List[hnode_t], int, ColorOutput, int) -> bool
262 |
263 | # This is UNLIKE the abbreviated case above, where we do WRAPPING.
264 | # Here, ALL children must fit on a single line, or else we separate
265 | # each one onto a separate line. This is to avoid the following:
266 | #
267 | # children: [(C ...)
268 | # (C ...)
269 | # ]
270 | # The first child is out of line. The abbreviated objects have a
271 | # small header like C or DQ so it doesn't matter as much.
272 | all_fit = True
273 | pieces = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, int]]
274 | chars_so_far = prefix_len
275 | for item in array:
276 | single_f = f.NewTempBuffer()
277 | if _TrySingleLine(item, single_f, self.max_col - chars_so_far):
278 | s, num_chars = single_f.GetRaw() # extra unpacking for mycpp
279 | pieces.append((s, num_chars))
280 | chars_so_far += single_f.NumChars()
281 | else:
282 | all_fit = False
283 | break
284 |
285 | if all_fit:
286 | for i, p in enumerate(pieces):
287 | if i != 0:
288 | f.write(' ')
289 | f.WriteRaw(p)
290 | f.write(']')
291 | return all_fit
292 |
293 | def _PrintRecord(self, node, f, indent):
294 | # type: (hnode.Record, ColorOutput, int) -> None
295 | """Print a CompoundObj in abbreviated or normal form."""
296 | ind = ' ' * indent
297 |
298 | if node.abbrev: # abbreviated
299 | prefix = ind + node.left
300 | f.write(prefix)
301 | if len(node.node_type):
302 | f.PushColor(color_e.TypeName)
303 | f.write(node.node_type)
304 | f.PopColor()
305 | f.write(' ')
306 |
307 | prefix_len = len(prefix) + len(node.node_type) + 1
308 | all_fit = self._PrintWrappedArray(node.unnamed_fields, prefix_len,
309 | f, indent)
310 |
311 | if not all_fit:
312 | f.write('\n')
313 | f.write(ind)
314 | f.write(node.right)
315 |
316 | else: # full form like (SimpleCommand ...)
317 | f.write(ind + node.left)
318 |
319 | f.PushColor(color_e.TypeName)
320 | f.write(node.node_type)
321 | f.PopColor()
322 |
323 | f.write('\n')
324 | for field in node.fields:
325 | name = field.name
326 | val = field.val
327 |
328 | ind1 = ' ' * (indent + INDENT)
329 | UP_val = val # for mycpp
330 | tag = val.tag()
331 | if tag == hnode_e.Array:
332 | val = cast(hnode.Array, UP_val)
333 |
334 | name_str = '%s%s: [' % (ind1, name)
335 | f.write(name_str)
336 | prefix_len = len(name_str)
337 |
338 | if not self._PrintWholeArray(val.children, prefix_len, f,
339 | indent):
340 | f.write('\n')
341 | for child in val.children:
342 | self.PrintNode(child, f, indent + INDENT + INDENT)
343 | f.write('\n')
344 | f.write('%s]' % ind1)
345 |
346 | else: # primitive field
347 | name_str = '%s%s: ' % (ind1, name)
348 | f.write(name_str)
349 | prefix_len = len(name_str)
350 |
351 | # Try to print it on the same line as the field name; otherwise print
352 | # it on a separate line.
353 | single_f = f.NewTempBuffer()
354 | if _TrySingleLine(val, single_f,
355 | self.max_col - prefix_len):
356 | s, num_chars = single_f.GetRaw(
357 | ) # extra unpacking for mycpp
358 | f.WriteRaw((s, num_chars))
359 | else:
360 | f.write('\n')
361 | self.PrintNode(val, f, indent + INDENT + INDENT)
362 |
363 | f.write('\n') # separate fields
364 |
365 | f.write(ind + node.right)
366 |
367 | def PrintNode(self, node, f, indent):
368 | # type: (hnode_t, ColorOutput, int) -> None
369 | """Second step of printing: turn homogeneous tree into a colored
370 | string.
371 |
372 | Args:
373 | node: homogeneous tree node
374 | f: ColorOutput instance.
375 | max_col: don't print past this column number on ANY line
376 | NOTE: See asdl/run.sh line-length-hist for a test of this. It's
377 | approximate.
378 | TODO: Use the terminal width.
379 | """
380 | ind = ' ' * indent
381 |
382 | # Try printing on a single line
383 | single_f = f.NewTempBuffer()
384 | single_f.write(ind)
385 | if _TrySingleLine(node, single_f, self.max_col - indent):
386 | s, num_chars = single_f.GetRaw() # extra unpacking for mycpp
387 | f.WriteRaw((s, num_chars))
388 | return
389 |
390 | UP_node = node # for mycpp
391 | tag = node.tag()
392 | if tag == hnode_e.Leaf:
393 | node = cast(hnode.Leaf, UP_node)
394 | f.PushColor(node.color)
395 | f.write(j8_lite.EncodeString(node.s, unquoted_ok=True))
396 | f.PopColor()
397 |
398 | elif tag == hnode_e.External:
399 | node = cast(hnode.External, UP_node)
400 | f.PushColor(color_e.External)
401 | if mylib.PYTHON:
402 | f.write(repr(node.obj))
403 | else:
404 | f.write('UNTYPED any')
405 | f.PopColor()
406 |
407 | elif tag == hnode_e.Record:
408 | node = cast(hnode.Record, UP_node)
409 | self._PrintRecord(node, f, indent)
410 |
411 | elif tag == hnode_e.AlreadySeen:
412 | node = cast(hnode.AlreadySeen, UP_node)
413 | # ... means omitting second reference, while --- means a cycle
414 | f.write('...0x%s' % mylib.hex_lower(node.heap_id))
415 |
416 | else:
417 | raise AssertionError(node)
418 |
419 |
420 | def _TrySingleLineObj(node, f, max_chars):
421 | # type: (hnode.Record, ColorOutput, int) -> bool
422 | """Print an object on a single line."""
423 | f.write(node.left)
424 | if node.abbrev:
425 | if len(node.node_type):
426 | f.PushColor(color_e.TypeName)
427 | f.write(node.node_type)
428 | f.PopColor()
429 | f.write(' ')
430 |
431 | for i, val in enumerate(node.unnamed_fields):
432 | if i != 0:
433 | f.write(' ')
434 | if not _TrySingleLine(val, f, max_chars):
435 | return False
436 | else:
437 | f.PushColor(color_e.TypeName)
438 | f.write(node.node_type)
439 | f.PopColor()
440 |
441 | for field in node.fields:
442 | f.write(' %s:' % field.name)
443 | if not _TrySingleLine(field.val, f, max_chars):
444 | return False
445 |
446 | f.write(node.right)
447 | return True
448 |
449 |
450 | def _TrySingleLine(node, f, max_chars):
451 | # type: (hnode_t, ColorOutput, int) -> bool
452 | """Try printing on a single line.
453 |
454 | Args:
455 | node: homogeneous tree node
456 | f: ColorOutput instance
457 | max_chars: maximum number of characters to print on THIS line
458 | indent: current indent level
459 |
460 | Returns:
461 | ok: whether it fit on the line of the given size.
462 | If False, you can't use the value of f.
463 | """
464 | UP_node = node # for mycpp
465 | tag = node.tag()
466 | if tag == hnode_e.Leaf:
467 | node = cast(hnode.Leaf, UP_node)
468 | f.PushColor(node.color)
469 | f.write(j8_lite.EncodeString(node.s, unquoted_ok=True))
470 | f.PopColor()
471 |
472 | elif tag == hnode_e.External:
473 | node = cast(hnode.External, UP_node)
474 |
475 | f.PushColor(color_e.External)
476 | if mylib.PYTHON:
477 | f.write(repr(node.obj))
478 | else:
479 | f.write('UNTYPED any')
480 | f.PopColor()
481 |
482 | elif tag == hnode_e.Array:
483 | node = cast(hnode.Array, UP_node)
484 |
485 | # Can we fit the WHOLE array on the line?
486 | f.write('[')
487 | for i, item in enumerate(node.children):
488 | if i != 0:
489 | f.write(' ')
490 | if not _TrySingleLine(item, f, max_chars):
491 | return False
492 | f.write(']')
493 |
494 | elif tag == hnode_e.Record:
495 | node = cast(hnode.Record, UP_node)
496 |
497 | return _TrySingleLineObj(node, f, max_chars)
498 |
499 | elif tag == hnode_e.AlreadySeen:
500 | node = cast(hnode.AlreadySeen, UP_node)
501 | # ... means omitting second reference, while --- means a cycle
502 | f.write('...0x%s' % mylib.hex_lower(node.heap_id))
503 |
504 | else:
505 | raise AssertionError(node)
506 |
507 | # Take into account the last char.
508 | num_chars_so_far = f.NumChars()
509 | if num_chars_so_far > max_chars:
510 | return False
511 |
512 | return True
513 |
514 |
515 | def PrintTree(node, f):
516 | # type: (hnode_t, ColorOutput) -> None
517 | pp = _PrettyPrinter(100) # max_col
518 | pp.PrintNode(node, f, 0) # indent