1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Wait for artifacts on a web server.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # soil/wait.sh
7 |
8 | set -o nounset
9 | set -o pipefail
10 | set -o errexit
11 |
12 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
13 | source soil/common.sh
14 |
15 | fast-curl-until-200() {
16 | ### Retry fetch until HTTP 200, REUSING curl process AND connection
17 |
18 | # Similar to
19 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42873285/curl-retry-mechanism
20 | # --retry-all-errors is 7.71 !
21 |
22 | # --retry-all-errors not present in curl 7.58.0 on Ubuntu 18.04
23 | # Do we have to upgrade? We're using Debian buster-slim
24 | #
25 | # curl 7.64 ! Gah.
26 |
27 | # Curl versions
28 | #
29 | # 7.58 - Ubuntu 18.04, --retry-all-errors not present
30 | # 7.64 - Debian Buster slim, our container base
31 | # https://packages.debian.org/buster/curl
32 | # 7.71 - --retry-all-errors
33 | # 7.88 - Debian Bookworm
34 |
35 | local url=$1
36 | local out_path=$2
37 | local num_retries=${3:-10} # number of times through the loop
38 | local interval=${4:-10} # retry every n seconds
39 |
40 | mkdir -p "$(dirname $out_path)"
41 |
42 | # --retry-all-errors and --fail are used to make curl try on a 404
43 |
44 | # Note: might need --retry-conn-refused as well, in case the server
45 | # disconnects
46 |
47 | curl \
48 | --output $out_path \
49 | --max-time 10 \
50 | --retry $num_retries \
51 | --retry-all-errors \
52 | --fail \
53 | --retry-delay $interval \
54 | $url
55 | }
56 |
57 | curl-until-200() {
58 | ### bash version of the function above
59 |
60 | local url=$1
61 | local out_path=$2
62 | local num_retries=${3:-10} # number of times through the loop
63 | local interval=${4:-10} # retry every n seconds
64 |
65 | mkdir -p "$(dirname $out_path)"
66 |
67 | local i=0
68 | while true; do
69 | local http_code
70 | http_code=$(curl --output $out_path --write-out '%{http_code}' $url)
71 |
72 | if test "$http_code" = 200; then
73 | log "Curl wrote $out_path"
74 | ls -l $out_path
75 | break;
76 | fi
77 |
78 | log "HTTP status $http_code; retrying in $interval seconds"
79 | sleep $interval
80 |
81 | i=$(( i + 1 ))
82 | if test $i -eq $num_retries; then
83 | log "Giving up after $num_retries tries"
84 | return 1 # fail
85 | fi
86 | done
87 | }
88 |
89 | # Users
90 | # - test/wild.sh soil-run
91 | # - benchmarks/perf.sh in the raw-vm task
92 | # - test/ble.sh, in app-tests task
93 |
94 | for-cpp-tarball() {
95 | local prefix=${1:-github-}
96 |
97 | # There are now 3 tasks waiting for the cpp-tarball
98 | # wild - might want to wait 80 seconds
99 | # app-tests - run clone, build, bash first
100 | # raw-vm - install perf first
101 | #
102 | # So just wait 1 second
103 | local sleep_secs=${2:-1}
104 |
105 | # Retry for 18 times, every 10 seconds = 3 minutes.
106 |
107 | # If we have 10 clients, then we're hitting it once a second, which is not
108 | # unreasonable. We're also keeping 10 connections
109 |
110 | local num_retries=${3:-18}
111 | local interval=${4:-10}
112 |
113 | local git_commit_dir
114 | git_commit_dir=$(git-commit-dir $prefix)
115 |
116 | local url="$git_commit_dir/oils-for-unix.tar"
117 |
118 | set -x
119 | sleep $sleep_secs
120 |
121 | curl-until-200 $url _release/oils-for-unix.tar $num_retries $interval
122 | }
123 |
124 | readonly TEST_FILE='oilshell.org/tmp/curl-test'
125 |
126 | for-test-file() {
127 | curl-until-200 "http://www.$TEST_FILE" _tmp/$(basename $TEST_FILE) 5 10
128 | }
129 |
130 | touch-remote() {
131 | ssh oilshell.org "echo hi > $TEST_FILE"
132 | }
133 |
134 | rm-remote() {
135 | ssh oilshell.org "rm -v $TEST_FILE"
136 | }
137 |
138 | test-for-cpp-tarball() {
139 | for-cpp-tarball
140 | }
141 |
142 | "$@"