1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Usage:
4 | # soil/github-actions.sh <function name>
5 |
6 | set -o nounset
7 | set -o pipefail
8 | set -o errexit
9 |
10 | keygen() {
11 | # rsa_github_actions is private, and sent to Github to log into the server
12 | # rsa_github_actions.pub is public, and put in authorized_keys on the server
13 | ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "oilshell github-actions" -f rsa_github_actions
14 | }
15 |
16 | #
17 | # Run remotely
18 | #
19 |
20 | publish-html-assuming-ssh-key() {
21 | local job_name=$1
22 | local update_status_api=${2:-}
23 |
24 | if true; then
25 | # https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/environment-variables
26 |
27 | # Recommended by the docs
29 |
30 | soil/web-worker.sh deploy-job-results 'github-' $GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER $job_name \
31 | JOB_URL \
41 | else
42 | soil/web-worker.sh deploy-test-wwz # dummy data that doesn't depend on the build
43 | fi
44 |
45 | # Calls rewrite-jobs-index and cleanup-jobs-index
46 | time soil/web-worker.sh remote-event-job-done 'github-' $GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER
47 |
48 | if test -n "$update_status_api"; then
49 | soil/web-worker.sh scp-status-api "$GITHUB_RUN_ID" "$job_name"
50 | soil/web-worker.sh remote-cleanup-status-api
51 | fi
52 | }
53 |
54 | # Notes on Github secrets:
55 |
56 | # - "Secrets are environment variables that are encrypted. Anyone with
57 | # collaborator access to this repository can use these secrets for Actions."
58 | #
59 | # - "Secrets are not passed to workflows that are triggered by a pull request from a fork"
60 | #
61 | # TODO: We're not following the principle of least privilege! Really we should
62 | # have an "append-only" capability? So then pull requests from untrusted forks
63 | # can trigger builds?
64 | #
65 | # Instead of SSH, we should use curl to POST a .zip file to PHP script on
66 | # travis-ci.oilshell.org?
67 |
68 | load-secret-key() {
69 | local privkey=/tmp/rsa_github_actions
70 |
71 | if test -n "${TOIL_KEY:-}"; then
72 | echo "$TOIL_KEY" > $privkey
73 | else
74 | echo '$TOIL_KEY not set'
75 | exit 1
76 | fi
77 |
78 | chmod 600 $privkey
79 | eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
80 | ssh-add $privkey
81 | }
82 |
83 |
84 | # Overwrites the function in soil/travis.sh
85 | publish-html() {
86 | ### Publish job HTML, and optionally status-api
87 |
88 | load-secret-key
89 |
90 | set -x
91 | # $1 can be the job name
92 | publish-html-assuming-ssh-key "$@"
93 | }
94 |
95 | publish-cpp-tarball() {
96 | load-secret-key
97 |
98 | soil/web-worker.sh publish-cpp-tarball github-
99 | }
100 |
101 | # Don't need this because Github Actions has it pre-installed.
102 | install-podman() {
103 | sudo apt-get install -y podman
104 | podman --version
105 | }
106 |
107 | run-job() {
108 | ### Called by YAML config
109 |
110 | # Unlike sourcehut, Github Actions runs one job per machine. So we fix the
111 | # mount permissions and run the job in one step.
112 |
113 | local job_name=$1
114 | local docker=${2:-docker}
115 |
116 | # I think it starts in the repo
117 | # cd $REPO_ROOT
118 |
119 | soil/host-shim.sh mount-perms $REPO_ROOT
120 | echo
121 | echo
122 |
123 | soil/host-shim.sh run-job-uke $docker $REPO_ROOT $job_name
124 | }
125 |
126 | publish-and-exit() {
127 | ### Called by YAML config
128 | local job_name=$1
129 | # second param is passed to publish-html
130 |
131 | # Unlike sourcehut, Github Actions runs one job per machine. So we publish
132 | # HTML and exit in one step.
133 |
134 | publish-html "$@"
135 |
136 | soil/host-shim.sh did-all-succeed $job_name
137 | }
138 |
139 | "$@"