spec test index / oilshell.org
110 passed, 9 OK, 1 not implemented, 12 BUG, 3 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped
bash | 2 for loop with invalid identifier stdout: stderr: bash: line 3: `-': not a valid identifier |
mksh | 2 for loop with invalid identifier stdout: stderr: mksh: <stdin>[1]: for: bad identifier |
zsh | 2 for loop with invalid identifier stdout: histderr: zsh: parse error near `-' zsh: parse error near `done' |
dash | 5 Brace Expansion within Array stdout: -{a,b} {c,d}-stderr: |
osh | 9 dynamic control flow (KNOWN INCOMPATIBILITY) stdout: 1 2 3stderr: $b ^~ [ stdin ]:4: 'break' not found (OILS-ERR-100) $b ^~ [ stdin ]:4: 'break' not found (OILS-ERR-100) $b ^~ [ stdin ]:4: 'break' not found (OILS-ERR-100) |
zsh | 14 continue at top level stdout: onestderr: continue: not in while, until, select, or repeat loop |
dash | 15 continue in subshell stdout: > 1 subshell status=0 . 1 > 2 subshell status=0 . 2stderr: |
bash | 15 continue in subshell [bash stdout] Expected '> 1\nsubshell status=0\n. 1\n> 2\nsubshell status=0\n. 2\n' Got '> 1\nShould not print\nsubshell status=0\n. 1\n> 2\nShould not print\nsubshell status=0\n. 2\n' stdout: > 1 Should not print subshell status=0 . 1 > 2 Should not print subshell status=0 . 2stderr: bash: line 3: continue: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop bash: line 3: continue: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop |
mksh | 15 continue in subshell stdout: > 1 Should not print subshell status=0 . 1 > 2 Should not print subshell status=0 . 2stderr: mksh: <stdin>[6]: continue: can't continue mksh: <stdin>[6]: continue: can't continue |
zsh | 15 continue in subshell stdout: > 1 subshell status=0 . 1 > 2 subshell status=0 . 2stderr: |
dash | 16 continue in subshell aborts with errexit stdout: > 1 should fail after subshell . 1 > 2 should fail after subshell . 2stderr: |
bash | 16 continue in subshell aborts with errexit [bash stdout] Expected '> 1\nshould fail after subshell\n. 1\n> 2\nshould fail after subshell\n. 2\n' Got '> 1\nShould not print\nshould fail after subshell\n. 1\n> 2\nShould not print\nshould fail after subshell\n. 2\n' stdout: > 1 Should not print should fail after subshell . 1 > 2 Should not print should fail after subshell . 2stderr: bash: line 4: continue: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop bash: line 4: continue: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop |
mksh | 16 continue in subshell aborts with errexit stdout: > 1 Should not print should fail after subshell . 1 > 2 Should not print should fail after subshell . 2stderr: mksh: <stdin>[7]: continue: can't continue mksh: <stdin>[7]: continue: can't continue |
zsh | 16 continue in subshell aborts with errexit stdout: > 1 should fail after subshell . 1 > 2 should fail after subshell . 2stderr: |
dash | 17 bad arg to break stdout: histderr: dash: 4: break: Illegal number: oops |
bash | 17 bad arg to break stdout: histderr: bash: line 4: break: oops: numeric argument required |
dash | 18 too many args to continue stdout: a b c --stderr: |
bash | 18 too many args to continue stdout: a --stderr: bash: line 3: continue: too many arguments |
mksh | 18 too many args to continue stdout: a b c --stderr: |
zsh | 18 too many args to continue stdout: a b c --stderr: continue: too many arguments continue: too many arguments continue: too many arguments |
mksh | 22 break/continue within eval stdout: 1 2 3 4 5stderr: mksh: continue: can't continue mksh: break: can't break |
mksh | 23 break/continue within source stdout: 1 2 3 4 5 donestderr: mksh: spec/testdata/continue.sh[1]: continue: can't continue mksh: spec/testdata/break.sh[1]: break: can't break |
zsh | 23 break/continue within source stdout: 1 2 3 4 5 donestderr: spec/testdata/continue.sh:continue:1: not in while, until, select, or repeat loop spec/testdata/break.sh:break:1: not in while, until, select, or repeat loop |
bash | 24 top-level break/continue/return (without strict_control_flow) [bash stdout] Expected 'break=0\ncontinue=0\nreturn=1\n', got 'break=0\ncontinue=0\nreturn=2\n' stdout: break=0 continue=0 return=2stderr: bash: line 1: break: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop bash: line 1: continue: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop bash: line 1: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script |
zsh | 24 top-level break/continue/return (without strict_control_flow) stdout: stderr: zsh:break:1: not in while, until, select, or repeat loop zsh:continue:1: not in while, until, select, or repeat loop |