1 | Oils Source Code
2 | ================
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4 | [](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/actions/workflows/all-builds.yml) <a href="https://gitpod.io/from-referrer/">
6 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Contribute%20with-Gitpod-908a85?logo=gitpod" alt="Contribute with Gitpod" />
7 | </a>
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9 | [Oils][] is our upgrade path from bash to a better language and runtime!
10 |
11 | - [OSH][] runs your existing shell scripts.
12 | - [YSH][] is for Python and JavaScript users who avoid shell.
13 |
14 | (The project was [slightly renamed][rename] in March 2023, so there are still
15 | old references to "Oil". Feel free to send pull requests with corrections!)
16 |
17 | [Oils]: https://www.oilshell.org/
18 |
19 | [OSH]: https://www.oilshell.org/cross-ref.html#OSH
20 | [YSH]: https://www.oilshell.org/cross-ref.html#YSH
21 |
22 | [rename]: https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2023/03/rename.html
23 |
24 | [Oils 2023 FAQ][faq-2023] / [Why Create a New Unix Shell?][why]
25 |
26 | [faq-2023]: https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2023/03/faq.html
27 | [why]: https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2021/01/why-a-new-shell.html
28 |
29 | It's written in Python, so the code is short and easy to change. But we
30 | automatically translate it to C++ with custom tools, to make it fast and small.
31 | The deployed executable doesn't depend on Python.
32 |
33 | This README is at the root of the [git repo][git-repo].
34 |
35 | [git-repo]: https://github.com/oilshell/oil
36 |
37 | <div id="toc">
38 | </div>
39 |
40 | ## Contributing
41 |
42 | * Try making the **dev build** of Oils with the instructions on the
43 | [Contributing][] page. This should take 1 to 5 minutes if you have a Linux
44 | machine.
45 | * If it doesn't, let us know. You can post on the `#oil-dev` channel of
46 | [oilshell.zulipchat.com][], or file an issue on Github.
47 | * Feel free to grab an [issue from
48 | Github](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22).
49 | Let us know what you're thinking before you get too far.
50 |
51 | [Contributing]: https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Contributing
52 | [oilshell.zulipchat.com]: https://oilshell.zulipchat.com/
53 | [blog]: https://www.oilshell.org/blog/
54 |
55 | ### Quick Start on Linux
56 |
57 | After following the instructions on the [Contributing][] page, you'll have a
58 | Python program that you can quickly run and change! Try it interactively:
59 |
60 | bash$ bin/osh
61 |
62 | osh$ name=world
63 | osh$ echo "hello $name"
64 | hello world
65 |
66 | - Try running a shell script you wrote with `bin/osh myscript.sh`.
67 | - Try [YSH][] with `bin/ysh`.
68 |
69 | Let us know if any of these things don't work! [The continuous
70 | build](http://travis-ci.oilshell.org/) tests them at every commit.
71 |
72 | ### Dev Build vs. Release Build
73 |
74 | Again, note that the **developer build** is **very different** from the release
75 | tarball. The [Contributing][] page describes this difference in detail.
76 |
77 | The release tarballs are linked from the [home
78 | page](https://www.oilshell.org/). (Developer builds don't work on OS X, so use
79 | the release tarballs on OS X.)
80 |
81 | ### Important: We Accept Small Contributions!
82 |
83 | Oils is full of [many ideas](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/), which may be
84 | intimidating at first.
85 |
86 | But the bar to contribution is very low. It's basically a medium size Python
87 | program with many tests, and many programmers know how to change such programs.
88 | It's great for prototyping.
89 |
90 | - For OSH compatibility, I often merge **failing [spec
91 | tests](https://www.oilshell.org/cross-ref.html#spec-test)**. You don't even
92 | have to write code! The tests alone help. I search for related tests with
93 | `grep xtrace spec/*.test.sh`, where `xtrace` is a shell feature.
94 | - You only have to make your code work **in Python**. Plain Python programs
95 | are easy to modify. The semi-automated translation to C++ is a separate
96 | step, although it often just works.
97 | - You can **influence the design** of [YSH][]. If you have an itch to
98 | scratch, be ambitious. For example, you might want to show us how to
99 | implement [nonlinear pipelines](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/issues/843).
100 |
101 | ### I aim for 24 hour response time
102 |
103 | Please feel free to ping `andychu` on Zulip or Github if you're **waiting** for
104 | a pull request review! (or to ask questions)
105 |
106 | Usually I can respond in 24 hours. I might be traveling, in which case I'll
107 | respond with something like *I hope to look at this by Tuesday*.
108 |
109 | I might have also **missed** your Github message, so it doesn't hurt to ping
110 | me.
111 |
112 | Thank you for the contributions!
113 |
114 | ### Docs
115 |
116 | The [Wiki](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki) has many developer docs. Feel
117 | free to edit them. If you make a major change, let us know on Zulip!
118 |
119 | There are also READMEs in some subdirectories, like `opy/` and `mycpp/`.
120 |
121 | If you're confused, the best thing to do is to ask on Zulip and someone should
122 | produce a pointer and/or improve the docs.
123 |
124 | Docs for **end users** are linked from each [release
125 | page](https://www.oilshell.org/releases.html).
126 |
127 | ## Repository Structure
128 |
129 | Try this to show a summary of what's in the repo and their line counts:
130 |
131 | $ metrics/source-code.sh overview
132 |
133 | (Other functions in this file may be useful as well.)
134 |
135 | ### A Collection of Interpreters
136 |
137 | Oils is naturally structured as a set of mutually recursive parsers and
138 | evaluators. These interpreters are specified at a high-level: with regular
139 | languages, Zephyr ASDL, and a statically-typed subset of Python.
140 |
141 | bin/ # Main entry points like bin/osh (source in bin/oils_for_unix.py)
142 | frontend/ # Input and lexing common to OSH and YSH
143 | osh/ # OSH parsers and evaluators (cmd, word, sh_expr)
144 | ysh/ # YSH parser and evaluator
145 | data_lang/ # Languages based on JSON
146 | builtin/ # Builtin commands and functions
147 | core/ # Other code shared between OSH and YSH
148 | pyext/ # Python extension modules, e.g. libc.c
149 | pylib/ # Borrowed from the Python standard library.
150 | tools/ # User-facing tools, e.g. the osh2oil translator
151 |
152 | ### DSLs / Code Generators
153 |
154 | Here are the tools that transform that high-level code to efficient code:
155 |
156 | asdl/ # ASDL implementation, derived from CPython
157 | pgen2/ # Parser Generator, borrowed from CPython
158 | mycpp/ # Experimental translator from typed Python to C++.
159 | # Depends on MyPy. See mycpp/README.md
160 | pea/ # Perhaps a cleaner version of mycpp
161 | opy/ # Python compiler in Python (mycpp/ will replace it)
162 |
163 | ### Native Code and Build System
164 |
165 | We have native code to support both the dev build (running under CPython) and
166 | the `oils-for-unix` build (pure C++):
167 |
168 | NINJA-config.sh # Generates build.ninja
169 |
170 | build/ # High level build
171 | NINJA-steps.sh
172 | NINJA_main.py # invoked by NINJA-config.sh
173 | NINJA_subgraph.py
174 | oil-defs/ # Files that define our slice of CPython.
175 | py.sh # For development builds, running CPython
176 | cpp/ # C++ code which complements the mycpp translation
177 | NINJA-steps.sh
178 | NINJA_subgraph.py
179 | mycpp/ # Runtime for the translator
180 | NINJA-steps.sh
181 | NINJA_subgraph.py
182 |
183 | prebuilt/ # Prebuilt files committed to git, instead of in _gen/
184 |
185 | Python-2.7.13/ # For the slow Python build
186 |
187 | # Temp dirs (see below)
188 | _bin/
189 | _build/
190 | _gen/
191 | _test/
192 |
193 | ### Several Kinds of Tests
194 |
195 | Unit tests are named `foo_test.py` and live next to `foo.py`.
196 |
197 | test/ # Test automation
198 | gold/ # Gold Test cases
199 | gold.sh
200 | sh_spec.py # shell spec test framework
201 | spec.sh # Types of test runner: spec, unit, gold, wild
202 | unit.sh
203 | wild.sh
204 | testdata/
205 | spec/ # Spec test cases
206 | bin/ # tools used in many spec tests
207 | testdata/ # scripts for specific test cases
208 | stateful/ # Tests that use pexpect
209 |
210 | ### Dev Tools and Scripts
211 |
212 | We use a lot of automation to improve the dev process. It's largely written in
213 | shell, of course!
214 |
215 | benchmarks/ # Benchmarks should be run on multiple machines.
216 | metrics/ # Metrics don't change between machines (e.g. code size)
217 | client/ # Demonstration of OSH as a headless server.
218 | deps/ # Dev dependencies and Docker images
219 | devtools/ # For Oils developers (not end users)
220 | release.sh # The (large) release process.
221 | services/ # talk to cloud services
222 | demo/ # Demonstrations of bash/shell features. Could be
223 | # moved to tests/ if automated.
224 | old/ # A junk drawer.
225 | web/ # HTML/JS/CSS for tests and tools
226 | soil/ # Multi-cloud continuous build (e.g. sourcehut, Github)
227 |
228 | ### Temp Dirs
229 |
230 | Directories that begin with `_` are **not** stored in `git`. The dev tools
231 | above create and use these dirs.
232 |
233 | _bin/ # Native executables are put here
234 | cxx-dbg/
235 | _build/ # Temporary build files
236 | _cache/ # Dev dependency tarballs
237 | _devbuild/ # Generated Python code, etc.
238 | _gen/ # Generated C++ code that mirrors the repo
239 | frontend/
240 | _release/ # Source release tarballs are put here
241 | VERSION/ # Published at oilshell.org/release/$VERSION/
242 | benchmarks/
243 | doc/
244 | metrics/
245 | test/
246 | spec.wwz
247 | wild.wwz
248 | ...
249 | web/ # Static files, copy of $REPO_ROOT/web
250 | table/
251 | _test/ # Unit tests, mycpp examples
252 | tasks/
253 | _tmp/ # Output of other test suites; temp files
254 | spec/
255 | wild/
256 | raw/
257 | www/
258 | osh-parser/
259 | osh-runtime/
260 | vm-baseline/
261 | oheap/
262 | startup/
263 | ...
264 |
265 | ### Build Dependencies in `../oil_DEPS`
266 |
267 | These tools are built from shell scripts in `soil/`. The `oil_DEPS` dir is
268 | "parallel" to Oils because it works better with container bind mounds.
269 |
270 | ../oil_DEPS/
271 | re2c/ # to build the lexer
272 | cmark/ # for building docs
273 | spec-bin/ # shells to run spec tests against
274 | mypy/ # MyPy repo
275 | mycpp-venv/ # MyPy binaries deps in a VirtualEnv
276 |
277 | py3/ # for mycpp and pea/
278 | cpython-full/ # for bootstrapping Oils-CPython
279 |
280 |
281 | ### Build System for End Users version.
282 |
283 | These files make the slow "Oils Python" build, which is very different than the
284 | **developer build** of Oils.
285 |
286 | Makefile
287 | configure
288 | install
289 |
290 | These files are for the C++ `oils-for-unix` tarball (in progress):
291 |
292 | _build/
293 | oils.sh
294 |
295 | ### Doc Sources
296 |
297 | doc/ # A mix of docs
298 | doctools/ # Tools that use lazylex/ to transform Markdown/HTML
299 | lazylex/ # An HTML lexer which doctools/ builds upon.
300 | README.md # This page, which is For Oils developers
301 |
302 | LICENSE.txt # For end users
303 | INSTALL.txt
304 |
305 | ## More info
306 |
307 | There are README files in many subdirectories, like
308 | [mycpp/README.md](mycpp/README.md).
309 |
310 | * [The blog][blog] has updates on the project status.
311 | * [Oils Home Page](https://www.oilshell.org/)
312 | * [oilshell.zulipchat.com][] is for any kind of discussion
313 | * Subscribe for updates:
314 | * [/r/oilshell on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/oilshell/)
315 | * [@oilsforunix on Twitter](https://twitter.com/oilsforunix)
316 |
317 |