1 | ## compare_shells: bash
2 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 6
3 |
4 | #### Lower Case with , and ,,
5 | x='ABC DEF'
6 | echo ${x,}
7 | echo ${x,,}
8 | echo empty=${empty,}
9 | echo empty=${empty,,}
10 | ## STDOUT:
11 | aBC DEF
12 | abc def
13 | empty=
14 | empty=
15 | ## END
16 |
17 | #### Upper Case with ^ and ^^
18 | x='abc def'
19 | echo ${x^}
20 | echo ${x^^}
21 | echo empty=${empty^}
22 | echo empty=${empty^^}
23 | ## STDOUT:
24 | Abc def
25 | ABC DEF
26 | empty=
27 | empty=
28 | ## END
29 |
30 | #### Case folding - Unicode characters
31 |
32 | # https://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl
33 |
34 | x=$'\u00C0\u00C8' # upper grave
35 | y=$'\u00E1\u00E9' # lower acute
36 |
37 | echo u ${x^}
38 | echo U ${x^^}
39 |
40 | echo l ${x,}
41 | echo L ${x,,}
42 |
43 | echo u ${y^}
44 | echo U ${y^^}
45 |
46 | echo l ${y,}
47 | echo L ${y,,}
48 |
49 | ## STDOUT:
50 | u ÀÈ
51 | U ÀÈ
52 | l àÈ
53 | L àè
54 | u Áé
55 | U ÁÉ
56 | l áé
57 | L áé
58 | ## END
59 |
60 | #### Case folding - multi code point
61 |
62 | echo shell
63 | small=$'\u00DF'
64 | echo u ${small^}
65 | echo U ${small^^}
66 |
67 | echo l ${small,}
68 | echo L ${small,,}
69 | echo
70 |
71 | echo python2
72 | python2 -c '
73 | small = u"\u00DF"
74 | print(small.upper().encode("utf-8"))
75 | print(small.lower().encode("utf-8"))
76 | '
77 | echo
78 |
79 | # Not in the container images, but python 3 DOES support it!
80 | # This is moved to demo/survey-case-fold.sh
81 |
82 | if false; then
83 | echo python3
84 | python3 -c '
85 | import sys
86 | small = u"\u00DF"
87 | sys.stdout.buffer.write(small.upper().encode("utf-8") + b"\n")
88 | sys.stdout.buffer.write(small.lower().encode("utf-8") + b"\n")
89 | '
90 | fi
91 |
92 | if false; then
93 | # Yes, supported
94 | echo node.js
95 |
96 | nodejs -e '
97 | var small = "\u00DF"
98 | console.log(small.toUpperCase())
99 | console.log(small.toLowerCase())
100 | '
101 | fi
102 |
103 | ## STDOUT:
104 | ## END
105 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
106 | shell
107 | u ß
108 | U ß
109 | l ß
110 | L ß
111 |
112 | python2
113 | ß
114 | ß
115 |
116 | ## END
117 |
118 | #### Case folding that depends on locale (not enabled, requires Turkish locale)
119 |
120 | # Hm this works in demo/survey-case-fold.sh
121 | # Is this a bash 4.4 thing?
122 |
123 | #export LANG='tr_TR.UTF-8'
124 | #echo $LANG
125 |
126 | x='i'
127 |
128 | echo u ${x^}
129 | echo U ${x^^}
130 |
131 | echo l ${x,}
132 | echo L ${x,,}
133 |
134 | ## OK bash/osh STDOUT:
135 | u I
136 | U I
137 | l i
138 | L i
139 | ## END
140 |
141 | #### Lower Case with constant string (VERY WEIRD)
142 | x='AAA ABC DEF'
143 | echo ${x,A}
144 | echo ${x,,A} # replaces every A only?
145 | ## STDOUT:
146 | aAA ABC DEF
147 | aaa aBC DEF
148 | ## END
149 |
150 | #### Lower Case glob
151 |
152 | # Hm with C.UTF-8, this does no case folding?
153 | export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
154 |
155 | x='ABC DEF'
156 | echo ${x,[d-f]}
157 | echo ${x,,[d-f]} # This seems buggy, it doesn't include F?
158 | ## STDOUT:
159 | ABC DEF
160 | ABC deF
161 | ## END
162 |
163 | #### ${x@u} U l L upper / lower case (bash 5.1 feature)
164 |
165 | # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Parameter-Expansion.html
166 |
167 | x='abc def'
168 | echo "${x@u}"
169 |
170 | # TODO: we need to upgrade the spec tests to bash 5.1 (or bash 5.2 is coming
171 | # out soon)
172 |
173 | ## N-I bash status: 1
174 | ## N-I bash STDOUT:
175 | ## END
176 |
177 |
178 | #### ${x@Q}
179 | x="FOO'BAR spam\"eggs"
180 | eval "new=${x@Q}"
181 | test "$x" = "$new" && echo OK
182 | ## STDOUT:
183 | OK
184 | ## END
185 |
186 | #### ${array@Q} and ${array[@]@Q}
187 | array=(x 'y\nz')
188 | echo ${array[@]@Q}
189 | echo ${array@Q}
190 | echo ${array@Q}
191 | ## STDOUT:
192 | 'x' 'y\nz'
193 | 'x'
194 | 'x'
195 | ## END
196 | ## OK osh STDOUT:
197 | x $'y\\nz'
198 | x
199 | x
200 | ## END
201 |
202 | #### ${!prefix@} ${!prefix*} yields sorted array of var names
203 | ZOO=zoo
204 | ZIP=zip
205 | ZOOM='one two'
206 | Z='three four'
207 |
208 | z=lower
209 |
210 | argv.py ${!Z*}
211 | argv.py ${!Z@}
212 | argv.py "${!Z*}"
213 | argv.py "${!Z@}"
214 | for i in 1 2; do argv.py ${!Z*} ; done
215 | for i in 1 2; do argv.py ${!Z@} ; done
216 | for i in 1 2; do argv.py "${!Z*}"; done
217 | for i in 1 2; do argv.py "${!Z@}"; done
218 | ## STDOUT:
219 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
220 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
221 | ['Z ZIP ZOO ZOOM']
222 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
223 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
224 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
225 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
226 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
227 | ['Z ZIP ZOO ZOOM']
228 | ['Z ZIP ZOO ZOOM']
229 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
230 | ['Z', 'ZIP', 'ZOO', 'ZOOM']
231 | ## END
232 |
233 | #### ${!prefix@} matches var name (regression)
234 | hello1=1 hello2=2 hello3=3
235 | echo ${!hello@}
236 | hello=()
237 | echo ${!hello@}
238 | ## STDOUT:
239 | hello1 hello2 hello3
240 | hello hello1 hello2 hello3
241 | ## END
242 |
243 | #### ${var@a} for attributes
244 | array=(one two)
245 | echo ${array@a}
246 | declare -r array=(one two)
247 | echo ${array@a}
248 | declare -rx PYTHONPATH=hi
249 | echo ${PYTHONPATH@a}
250 |
251 | # bash and osh differ here
252 | #declare -rxn x=z
253 | #echo ${x@a}
254 | ## STDOUT:
255 | a
256 | ar
257 | rx
258 | ## END
259 |
260 | #### ${var@a} error conditions
261 | echo [${?@a}]
262 | ## STDOUT:
263 | []
264 | ## END
265 |
266 | #### undef and @P @Q @a
267 | $SH -c 'echo ${undef@P}'
268 | echo status=$?
269 | $SH -c 'echo ${undef@Q}'
270 | echo status=$?
271 | $SH -c 'echo ${undef@a}'
272 | echo status=$?
273 | ## STDOUT:
274 |
275 | status=0
276 |
277 | status=0
278 |
279 | status=0
280 | ## END
281 | ## OK osh STDOUT:
282 |
283 | status=0
284 | ''
285 | status=0
286 |
287 | status=0
288 | ## END
289 |
290 |
291 | #### argv array and @P @Q @a
292 | $SH -c 'echo ${@@P}' dummy a b c
293 | echo status=$?
294 | $SH -c 'echo ${@@Q}' dummy a 'b\nc'
295 | echo status=$?
296 | $SH -c 'echo ${@@a}' dummy a b c
297 | echo status=$?
298 | ## STDOUT:
299 | a b c
300 | status=0
301 | 'a' 'b\nc'
302 | status=0
303 |
304 | status=0
305 | ## END
306 | ## OK osh STDOUT:
307 | status=1
308 | a $'b\\nc'
309 | status=0
310 | a
311 | status=0
312 | ## END
313 |
314 | #### assoc array and @P @Q @a
315 |
316 | # note: "y z" causes a bug!
317 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x"]="y"); echo ${A@P} - ${A[@]@P}'
318 | echo status=$?
319 |
320 | # note: "y z" causes a bug!
321 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x"]="y"); echo ${A@Q} - ${A[@]@Q}'
322 | echo status=$?
323 |
324 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x"]=y); echo ${A@a} - ${A[@]@a}'
325 | echo status=$?
326 | ## STDOUT:
327 | - y
328 | status=0
329 | - 'y'
330 | status=0
331 | A - A
332 | status=0
333 | ## END
334 | ## OK osh STDOUT:
335 | status=1
336 | status=1
337 | A - A
338 | status=0
339 | ## END
340 |
341 | #### ${!var[@]@X}
342 | # note: "y z" causes a bug!
343 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x"]="y"); echo ${!A[@]@P}'
344 | if test $? -ne 0; then echo fail; fi
345 |
346 | # note: "y z" causes a bug!
347 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x y"]="y"); echo ${!A[@]@Q}'
348 | if test $? -ne 0; then echo fail; fi
349 |
350 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x"]=y); echo ${!A[@]@a}'
351 | if test $? -ne 0; then echo fail; fi
352 | # STDOUT:
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 | # END
357 | ## OK osh STDOUT:
358 | fail
359 | 'x y'
360 | a
361 | ## END
362 |
363 | #### ${#var@X} is a parse error
364 | # note: "y z" causes a bug!
365 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x"]="y"); echo ${#A[@]@P}'
366 | if test $? -ne 0; then echo fail; fi
367 |
368 | # note: "y z" causes a bug!
369 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x"]="y"); echo ${#A[@]@Q}'
370 | if test $? -ne 0; then echo fail; fi
371 |
372 | $SH -c 'declare -A A=(["x"]=y); echo ${#A[@]@a}'
373 | if test $? -ne 0; then echo fail; fi
374 | ## STDOUT:
375 | fail
376 | fail
377 | fail
378 | ## END
379 |
380 | #### ${!A@a} and ${!A[@]@a}
381 | declare -A A=(["x"]=y)
382 | echo x=${!A[@]@a}
383 | echo x=${!A@a}
384 |
385 | # OSH prints 'a' for indexed array because the AssocArray with ! turns into
386 | # it. Disallowing it would be the other reasonable behavior.
387 |
388 | ## STDOUT:
389 | x=
390 | x=
391 | ## END