1 | ## compare_shells: bash mksh zsh ash
2 |
3 | # dash doesn't have echo -e, $'', etc.
4 |
5 | # TODO: fix J8 bug causing failure
6 |
7 | # Cross-cutting test of serialization formats. That is, what J8 Notation
8 | # should fix.
9 | #
10 | # TODO: Also see spec/xtrace for another use case.
11 |
12 | #### printf %q newline
13 | case $SH in (ash) return ;; esac # yash and ash don't implement this
14 |
15 | newline=$'one\ntwo'
16 | printf '%q\n' "$newline"
17 |
18 | quoted="$(printf '%q\n' "$newline")"
19 | restored=$(eval "echo $quoted")
20 | test "$newline" = "$restored" && echo roundtrip-ok
21 |
22 | ## STDOUT:
23 | $'one\ntwo'
24 | roundtrip-ok
25 | ## END
26 | ## OK mksh STDOUT:
27 | 'one'$'\n''two'
28 | roundtrip-ok
29 | ## END
30 | ## OK zsh STDOUT:
31 | one$'\n'two
32 | roundtrip-ok
33 | ## END
34 | ## N-I ash stdout-json: ""
35 |
36 | #### printf %q spaces
37 | case $SH in (ash) return ;; esac # yash and ash don't implement this
38 |
39 | # bash does a weird thing and uses \
40 |
41 | spaces='one two'
42 | printf '%q\n' "$spaces"
43 |
44 | ## STDOUT:
45 | 'one two'
46 | ## END
47 | ## OK bash/zsh STDOUT:
48 | one\ two
49 | ## END
50 | ## N-I ash stdout-json: ""
51 |
52 | #### printf %q quotes
53 | case $SH in (ash) return ;; esac # yash and ash don't implement %q
54 |
55 | quotes=\'\"
56 | printf '%q\n' "$quotes"
57 |
58 | quoted="$(printf '%q\n' "$quotes")"
59 | restored=$(eval "echo $quoted")
60 | test "$quotes" = "$restored" && echo roundtrip-ok
61 |
62 | ## STDOUT:
63 | \'\"
64 | roundtrip-ok
65 | ## END
66 | ## OK osh STDOUT:
67 | $'\'"'
68 | roundtrip-ok
69 | ## END
70 | ## BUG mksh STDOUT:
71 | ''\''"'
72 | roundtrip-ok
73 | ## END
74 | ## N-I ash stdout-json: ""
75 |
76 | #### printf %q unprintable
77 | case $SH in (ash) return ;; esac # yash and ash don't implement this
78 |
79 | unprintable=$'\xff'
80 | printf '%q\n' "$unprintable"
81 |
82 | # bash and zsh agree
83 | ## STDOUT:
84 | $'\377'
85 | ## END
86 | ## OK osh STDOUT:
87 | $'\xff'
88 | ## END
89 | ## BUG mksh STDOUT:
90 | ''$'\377'
91 | ## END
92 | ## N-I ash stdout-json: ""
93 |
94 | #### printf %q unicode
95 | case $SH in (ash) return ;; esac # yash and ash don't implement this
96 |
97 | unicode=$'\u03bc'
98 | unicode=$'\xce\xbc' # does the same thing
99 |
100 | printf '%q\n' "$unicode"
101 |
102 | # Oil issue: we have quotes. Isn't that OK?
103 | ## STDOUT:
104 | μ
105 | ## END
106 | ## OK osh STDOUT:
107 | 'μ'
108 | ## END
109 | ## N-I ash stdout-json: ""
110 |
111 | #### printf %q invalid unicode
112 | case $SH in (ash) return ;; esac
113 |
114 | # Hm bash/mksh/zsh understand these. They are doing decoding and error
115 | # recovery! inspecting the bash source seems to confirm this.
116 | unicode=$'\xce'
117 | printf '%q\n' "$unicode"
118 |
119 | unicode=$'\xce\xce\xbc'
120 | printf '%q\n' "$unicode"
121 |
122 | unicode=$'\xce\xbc\xce'
123 | printf '%q\n' "$unicode"
124 |
125 | case $SH in (mksh) return ;; esac # it prints unprintable chars here!
126 |
127 | unicode=$'\xcea'
128 | printf '%q\n' "$unicode"
129 | unicode=$'a\xce'
130 | printf '%q\n' "$unicode"
131 | ## STDOUT:
132 | $'\xce'
133 | $'\xceμ'
134 | $'μ\xce'
135 | $'\xcea'
136 | $'a\xce'
137 | ## END
138 | ## OK bash STDOUT:
139 | $'\316'
140 | $'\316μ'
141 | $'μ\316'
142 | $'\316a'
143 | $'a\316'
144 | ## END
145 | ## BUG mksh STDOUT:
146 | ''$'\316'
147 | ''$'\316''μ'
148 | 'μ'$'\316'
149 | ## END
150 | ## OK zsh STDOUT:
151 | $'\316'
152 | $'\316'μ
153 | μ$'\316'
154 | $'\316'a
155 | a$'\316'
156 | ## END
157 | ## N-I ash stdout-json: ""
158 |
159 | #### set
160 | case $SH in (zsh) return ;; esac # zsh doesn't make much sense
161 |
162 | zz=$'one\ntwo'
163 |
164 | set | grep zz
165 | ## STDOUT:
166 | zz=$'one\ntwo'
167 | ## END
168 | ## OK ash stdout-json: "zz='one\n"
169 | ## BUG zsh stdout-json: ""
170 |
171 |
172 | #### declare
173 | case $SH in (ash|zsh) return ;; esac # zsh doesn't make much sense
174 |
175 | zz=$'one\ntwo'
176 |
177 | typeset | grep zz
178 | typeset -p zz
179 |
180 | ## STDOUT:
181 | zz=$'one\ntwo'
182 | declare -- zz=$'one\ntwo'
183 | ## END
184 |
185 | # bash uses a different format for 'declare' and 'declare -p'!
186 | ## OK bash STDOUT:
187 | zz=$'one\ntwo'
188 | declare -- zz="one
189 | two"
190 | ## END
191 | ## OK mksh STDOUT:
192 | typeset zz
193 | typeset zz=$'one\ntwo'
194 | ## BUG zsh stdout-json: ""
195 | ## N-I ash stdout-json: ""
196 |
197 | #### ${var@Q}
198 | case $SH in (zsh|ash) exit ;; esac
199 |
200 | zz=$'one\ntwo \u03bc'
201 |
202 | # weirdly, quoted and unquoted aren't different
203 | echo ${zz@Q}
204 | echo "${zz@Q}"
205 | ## STDOUT:
206 | $'one\ntwo μ'
207 | $'one\ntwo μ'
208 | ## END
209 | ## OK mksh STDOUT:
210 | $'one
211 | two μ'
212 | $'one
213 | two μ'
214 | ## END
215 | ## N-I ash/zsh stdout-json: ""
216 |
217 | #### xtrace
218 | zz=$'one\ntwo'
219 | set -x
220 | echo "$zz"
221 | ## STDOUT:
222 | one
223 | two
224 | ## END
225 | ## STDERR:
226 | + echo $'one\ntwo'
227 | ## END
228 | ## OK bash/ash STDERR:
229 | + echo 'one
230 | two'
231 | ## END
232 | ## OK zsh STDERR:
233 | +zsh:3> echo 'one
234 | two'
235 | ## END
236 |