1 | ## compare_shells: bash
2 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 3
3 |
4 |
5 | # NOTE:
6 | # -declare -A is required.
7 | #
8 | # Simply doing:
9 | # a=([aa]=b [foo]=bar ['a+1']=c)
10 | # gets utterly bizarre behavior.
11 | #
12 | # Associtative Arrays are COMPLETELY bash-specific. mksh doesn't even come
13 | # close. So I will probably not implement them, or implement something
14 | # slightly different, because the semantics are just weird.
15 |
16 | # http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Arrays.html
17 | # TODO: Need a SETUP section.
18 |
19 | #### Literal syntax ([x]=y)
20 | declare -A a
21 | a=([aa]=b [foo]=bar ['a+1']=c)
22 | echo ${a["aa"]}
23 | echo ${a["foo"]}
24 | echo ${a["a+1"]}
25 | ## STDOUT:
26 | b
27 | bar
28 | c
29 | ## END
30 |
31 | #### set associative array to indexed array literal (very surprising bash behavior)
32 | declare -A assoc=([k1]=foo [k2]='spam eggs')
33 | for v in "${assoc[@]}"; do echo $v; done | sort
34 | for v in "${!assoc[@]}"; do echo $v; done | sort
35 |
36 | # disallow this in OSH? Changing type?
37 |
38 | assoc=(foo 'spam eggs')
39 | argv.py "${assoc[@]}"
40 | argv.py "${!assoc[@]}"
41 |
42 | ## STDOUT:
43 | foo
44 | spam eggs
45 | k1
46 | k2
47 | ['foo', 'spam eggs']
48 | ['0', '1']
49 | ## END
50 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
51 | foo
52 | spam eggs
53 | k1
54 | k2
55 | []
56 | []
57 | ## END
58 |
59 | #### Can't initialize assoc array with indexed array
60 | declare -A A=(1 2 3)
61 | echo status=$?
62 | ## STDOUT:
63 | status=2
64 | ## END
65 |
66 | # bash prints warnings to stderr but gives no indication of the problem
67 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
68 | status=0
69 | ## END
70 |
71 |
72 | #### Initializing indexed array with assoc array
73 | declare -a a=([xx]=1 [yy]=2 [zz]=3)
74 | echo status=$?
75 | argv.py "${a[@]}"
76 | ## STDOUT:
77 | status=2
78 | []
79 | ## END
80 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
81 | status=0
82 | ['3']
83 | ## END
84 |
85 | #### create empty assoc array, put, then get
86 | declare -A A # still undefined
87 | argv.py "${A[@]}"
88 | argv.py "${!A[@]}"
89 | A['foo']=bar
90 | echo ${A['foo']}
91 | ## STDOUT:
92 | []
93 | []
94 | bar
95 | ## END
96 |
97 | #### Empty value (doesn't use EmptyWord?)
98 | declare -A A=(["k"]= )
99 | argv.py "${A["k"]}"
100 | ## STDOUT:
101 | ['']
102 | ## END
103 |
104 | #### retrieve keys with !
105 | declare -A a
106 | var='x'
107 | a["$var"]=b
108 | a['foo']=bar
109 | a['a+1']=c
110 | for key in "${!a[@]}"; do
111 | echo $key
112 | done | sort
113 | ## STDOUT:
114 | a+1
115 | foo
116 | x
117 | ## END
118 |
119 | #### retrieve values with ${A[@]}
120 | declare -A A
121 | var='x'
122 | A["$var"]=b
123 | A['foo']=bar
124 | A['a+1']=c
125 | for val in "${A[@]}"; do
126 | echo $val
127 | done | sort
128 | ## STDOUT:
129 | b
130 | bar
131 | c
132 | ## END
133 |
134 | #### coerce to string with ${A[*]}, etc.
135 | declare -A A
136 | A['X X']=xx
137 | A['Y Y']=yy
138 | argv.py "${A[*]}"
139 | argv.py "${!A[*]}"
140 |
141 | argv.py ${A[@]}
142 | argv.py ${!A[@]}
143 | ## STDOUT:
144 | ['xx yy']
145 | ['X X Y Y']
146 | ['xx', 'yy']
147 | ['X', 'X', 'Y', 'Y']
148 | ## END
149 |
150 | #### ${A[@]/b/B}
151 | # but ${!A[@]/b/B} doesn't work
152 | declare -A A
153 | A['aa']=bbb
154 | A['bb']=ccc
155 | A['cc']=ddd
156 | for val in "${A[@]//b/B}"; do
157 | echo $val
158 | done | sort
159 | ## STDOUT:
160 | BBB
161 | ccc
162 | ddd
163 | ## END
164 |
165 | #### ${A[@]#prefix}
166 | declare -A A
167 | A['aa']=one
168 | A['bb']=two
169 | A['cc']=three
170 | for val in "${A[@]#t}"; do
171 | echo $val
172 | done | sort
173 | ## STDOUT:
174 | hree
175 | one
176 | wo
177 | ## END
178 |
179 | #### ${assoc} is like ${assoc[0]}
180 | declare -A a
181 |
182 | a=([aa]=b [foo]=bar ['a+1']=c)
183 | echo a="${a}"
184 |
185 | a=([0]=zzz)
186 | echo a="${a}"
187 |
188 | a=(['0']=yyy)
189 | echo a="${a}"
190 |
191 | ## STDOUT:
192 | a=
193 | a=zzz
194 | a=yyy
195 | ## END
196 |
197 | #### length ${#a[@]}
198 | declare -A a
199 | a["x"]=1
200 | a["y"]=2
201 | a["z"]=3
202 | echo "${#a[@]}"
203 | ## stdout: 3
204 |
205 | #### lookup with ${a[0]} -- "0" is a string
206 | declare -A a
207 | a["0"]=a
208 | a["1"]=b
209 | a["2"]=c
210 | echo 0 "${a[0]}" 1 "${a[1]}" 2 "${a[2]}"
211 | ## STDOUT:
212 | 0 a 1 b 2 c
213 | ## END
214 |
215 | #### lookup with double quoted strings "mykey"
216 | declare -A a
217 | a["aa"]=b
218 | a["foo"]=bar
219 | a['a+1']=c
220 | echo "${a["aa"]}" "${a["foo"]}" "${a["a+1"]}"
221 | ## STDOUT:
222 | b bar c
223 | ## END
224 |
225 | #### lookup with single quoted string
226 | declare -A a
227 | a["aa"]=b
228 | a["foo"]=bar
229 | a['a+1']=c
230 | echo "${a['a+1']}"
231 | ## stdout: c
232 |
233 | #### lookup with unquoted $key and quoted "$i$i"
234 | declare -A A
235 | A["aa"]=b
236 | A["foo"]=bar
237 |
238 | key=foo
239 | echo ${A[$key]}
240 | i=a
241 | echo ${A["$i$i"]} # note: ${A[$i$i]} doesn't work in OSH
242 | ## STDOUT:
243 | bar
244 | b
245 | ## END
246 |
247 | #### lookup by unquoted string doesn't work in OSH because it's a variable
248 | declare -A a
249 | a["aa"]=b
250 | a["foo"]=bar
251 | a['a+1']=c
252 | echo "${a[a+1]}"
253 | ## stdout-json: ""
254 | ## status: 1
255 | ## BUG bash stdout: c
256 | ## BUG bash status: 0
257 |
258 | #### bash bug: "i+1" and i+1 are the same key
259 |
260 | i=1
261 | array=(5 6 7)
262 | echo array[i]="${array[i]}"
263 | echo array[i+1]="${array[i+1]}"
264 |
265 | # arithmetic does NOT work here in bash. These are unquoted strings!
266 | declare -A assoc
267 | assoc[i]=$i
268 | assoc[i+1]=$i+1
269 |
270 | assoc["i"]=string
271 | assoc["i+1"]=string+1
272 |
273 | echo assoc[i]="${assoc[i]}"
274 | echo assoc[i+1]="${assoc[i+1]}"
275 |
276 | echo assoc[i]="${assoc["i"]}"
277 | echo assoc[i+1]="${assoc["i+1"]}"
278 |
279 | ## status: 1
280 | ## STDOUT:
281 | array[i]=6
282 | array[i+1]=7
283 | ## END
284 | ## BUG bash status: 0
285 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
286 | array[i]=6
287 | array[i+1]=7
288 | assoc[i]=string
289 | assoc[i+1]=string+1
290 | assoc[i]=string
291 | assoc[i+1]=string+1
292 | ## END
293 |
294 | #### Array stored in associative array gets converted to string (without strict_array)
295 |
296 | array=('1 2' 3)
297 | declare -A d
298 | d['key']="${array[@]}"
299 | argv.py "${d['key']}"
300 | ## stdout: ['1 2 3']
301 |
302 | #### Indexed array as key of associative array coerces to string (without shopt -s strict_array)
303 |
304 | declare -a array=(1 2 3)
305 | declare -A assoc
306 | assoc[42]=43
307 | assoc["${array[@]}"]=foo
308 |
309 | echo "${assoc["${array[@]}"]}"
310 | for entry in "${!assoc[@]}"; do
311 | echo $entry
312 | done | sort
313 |
314 | ## STDOUT:
315 | foo
316 | 1 2 3
317 | 42
318 | ## END
319 |
320 | #### Append to associative array value A['x']+='suffix'
321 | declare -A A
322 | A['x']='foo'
323 | A['x']+='bar'
324 | A['x']+='bar'
325 | argv.py "${A["x"]}"
326 | ## STDOUT:
327 | ['foobarbar']
328 | ## END
329 |
330 | #### Slice of associative array doesn't make sense in bash
331 | declare -A a
332 | a[xx]=1
333 | a[yy]=2
334 | a[zz]=3
335 | a[aa]=4
336 | a[bb]=5
337 | #argv.py ${a["xx"]}
338 | argv.py ${a[@]: 0: 3}
339 | argv.py ${a[@]: 1: 3}
340 | argv.py ${a[@]: 2: 3}
341 | argv.py ${a[@]: 3: 3}
342 | argv.py ${a[@]: 4: 3}
343 | argv.py ${a[@]: 5: 3}
344 | ## stdout-json: ""
345 | ## status: 1
346 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
347 | ['2', '1', '5']
348 | ['2', '1', '5']
349 | ['1', '5', '4']
350 | ['5', '4', '3']
351 | ['4', '3']
352 | ['3']
353 | ## END
354 | ## BUG bash status: 0
355 |
356 | #### bash variable can have an associative array part and a string part
357 |
358 | # and $assoc is equivalent to ${assoc[0]}, just like regular arrays
359 | declare -A assoc
360 | assoc[1]=1
361 | assoc[2]=2
362 | echo ${assoc[1]} ${assoc[2]} ${assoc}
363 | assoc[0]=zero
364 | echo ${assoc[1]} ${assoc[2]} ${assoc}
365 | assoc=string
366 | echo ${assoc[1]} ${assoc[2]} ${assoc}
367 | ## STDOUT:
368 | 1 2
369 | 1 2 zero
370 | 1 2 string
371 | ## END
372 | ## N-I osh status: 1
373 | ## N-I osh STDOUT:
374 | 1 2
375 | 1 2 zero
376 | ## END
377 |
378 | #### Associative array expressions inside (( )) with keys that look like numbers
379 | declare -A assoc
380 | assoc[0]=42
381 | (( var = ${assoc[0]} ))
382 | echo $var
383 | (( var = assoc[0] ))
384 | echo $var
385 | ## STDOUT:
386 | 42
387 | 42
388 | ## END
389 |
390 | #### (( A[5] += 42 ))
391 | declare -A A
392 | (( A[5] = 10 ))
393 | (( A[5] += 6 ))
394 | echo ${A[5]}
395 | ## STDOUT:
396 | 16
397 | ## END
398 |
399 | #### (( A[5] += 42 )) with empty cell
400 | shopt -u strict_arith # default zero cell
401 | declare -A A
402 | (( A[5] += 6 ))
403 | echo ${A[5]}
404 | ## STDOUT:
405 | 6
406 | ## END
407 |
408 | #### setting key to itself (from bash-bug mailing list)
409 | declare -A foo
410 | foo=(["key"]="value1")
411 | echo ${foo["key"]}
412 | foo=(["key"]="${foo["key"]} value2")
413 | echo ${foo["key"]}
414 | ## STDOUT:
415 | value1
416 | value1 value2
417 | ## END
418 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
419 | value1
420 | value2
421 | ## END
422 |
423 | #### readonly associative array can't be modified
424 | declare -Ar A
425 | A['x']=1
426 | echo status=$?
427 | ## OK osh status: 1
428 | ## OK osh stdout-json: ""
429 | ## STDOUT:
430 | status=1
431 | ## END
432 |
433 | #### associative array and brace expansion
434 | declare -A A=([k1]=v [k2]=-{a,b}-)
435 | echo ${A["k1"]}
436 | echo ${A["k2"]}
437 | ## STDOUT:
438 | v
439 | -{a,b}-
440 | ## END
441 |
442 | #### bash mangles array #1
443 | a=([k1]=v1 [k2]=v2)
444 | echo ${a["k1"]}
445 | echo ${a["k2"]}
446 | ## STDOUT:
447 | v1
448 | v2
449 | ## END
450 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
451 | v2
452 | v2
453 | ## END
454 |
455 | #### bash mangles array and brace #2
456 | a=([k2]=-{a,b}-)
457 | echo ${a["k2"]}
458 | ## STDOUT:
459 | -{a,b}-
460 | ## END
461 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
462 | [k2]=-a-
463 | ## END
464 |
465 | #### declare -A A=() allowed
466 | set -o nounset
467 | shopt -s strict_arith || true
468 |
469 | declare -A ASSOC=()
470 | echo len=${#ASSOC[@]}
471 |
472 | # Check that it really can be used like an associative array
473 | ASSOC['k']='32'
474 | echo len=${#ASSOC[@]}
475 |
476 | # bash allows a variable to be an associative array AND unset, while OSH
477 | # doesn't
478 | set +o nounset
479 | declare -A u
480 | echo unset len=${#u[@]}
481 | ## STDOUT:
482 | len=0
483 | len=1
484 | unset len=0
485 | ## END
486 |
487 | #### unset -v and assoc array
488 | shopt -s eval_unsafe_arith || true
489 |
490 | show-len() {
491 | echo len=${#assoc[@]}
492 | }
493 |
494 | declare -A assoc=(['K']=val)
495 | show-len
496 |
497 | unset -v 'assoc["K"]'
498 | show-len
499 |
500 | declare -A assoc=(['K']=val)
501 | show-len
502 | key=K
503 | unset -v 'assoc[$key]'
504 | show-len
505 |
506 | declare -A assoc=(['K']=val)
507 | show-len
508 | unset -v 'assoc[$(echo K)]'
509 | show-len
510 |
511 | # ${prefix} doesn't work here, even though it does in arithmetic
512 | #declare -A assoc=(['K']=val)
513 | #show-len
514 | #prefix=as
515 | #unset -v '${prefix}soc[$key]'
516 | #show-len
517 |
518 | ## STDOUT:
519 | len=1
520 | len=0
521 | len=1
522 | len=0
523 | len=1
524 | len=0
525 | ## END
526 |
527 | #### nameref and assoc array
528 | show-values() {
529 | echo values: ${A[@]}
530 | }
531 |
532 | declare -A A=(['K']=val)
533 | show-values
534 |
535 | declare -n ref='A["K"]'
536 | echo before $ref
537 | ref='val2'
538 | echo after $ref
539 | show-values
540 |
541 | echo ---
542 |
543 | key=K
544 | declare -n ref='A[$key]'
545 | echo before $ref
546 | ref='val3'
547 | echo after $ref
548 | show-values
549 |
550 | ## STDOUT:
551 | values: val
552 | before val
553 | after val2
554 | values: val2
555 | ---
556 | before val2
557 | after val3
558 | values: val3
559 | ## END
560 |
561 | #### ${!ref} and assoc array
562 |
563 | show-values() {
564 | echo values: ${A[@]}
565 | }
566 |
567 | declare -A A=(['K']=val)
568 | show-values
569 |
570 | declare ref='A["K"]'
571 | echo ref ${!ref}
572 |
573 | key=K
574 | declare ref='A[$key]'
575 | echo ref ${!ref}
576 |
577 | ## STDOUT:
578 | values: val
579 | ref val
580 | ref val
581 | ## END
582 |
583 | #### printf -v and assoc array
584 |
585 | show-values() {
586 | echo values: ${assoc[@]}
587 | }
588 |
589 | declare -A assoc=(['K']=val)
590 | show-values
591 |
592 | printf -v 'assoc["K"]' '/%s/' val2
593 | show-values
594 |
595 | key=K
596 | printf -v 'assoc[$key]' '/%s/' val3
597 | show-values
598 |
599 | # Somehow bash doesn't allow this
600 | #prefix=as
601 | #printf -v '${prefix}soc[$key]' '/%s/' val4
602 | #show-values
603 |
604 | ## STDOUT:
605 | values: val
606 | values: /val2/
607 | values: /val3/
608 | ## END
609 |
610 | #### bash bug: (( A["$key"] = 1 )) doesn't work
611 | key='\'
612 | declare -A A
613 | #A["$key"]=1
614 |
615 | # Works in both
616 | #A["$key"]=42
617 |
618 | # Works in bash only
619 | #(( A[\$key] = 42 ))
620 |
621 | (( A["$key"] = 42 ))
622 |
623 | argv.py "${!A[@]}"
624 | argv.py "${A[@]}"
625 | ## STDOUT:
626 | ['\\']
627 | ['42']
628 | ## END
629 | ## BUG bash STDOUT:
630 | []
631 | []
632 | ## END
633 |
634 |
635 | #### Implicit increment of keys
636 | declare -a arr=( [30]=a b [40]=x y)
637 | argv.py "${!arr[@]}"
638 | argv.py "${arr[@]}"
639 |
640 | # osh says "expected associative array pair"
641 |
642 | ## STDOUT:
643 | ['30', '31', '40', '41']
644 | ['a', 'b', 'x', 'y']
645 | ## END