spec test index / oilshell.org
71 passed, 4 OK, 5 not implemented, 4 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped
osh | 1 trap 'echo hi' KILL (regression test, caught by smoosh suite) stdout: status=1 status=1 status=1 status=0stderr: trap 'echo hi' 9 ^ [ stdin ]:1: Signal '9' can't be handled trap 'echo hi' KILL ^~~~ [ stdin ]:3: Invalid signal or hook 'KILL' trap 'echo hi' STOP ^~~~ [ stdin ]:5: Signal 'STOP' can't be handled |
dash | 4 SIGINT and INT are aliases stdout: 1 0stderr: trap: SIGINT: bad trap |
dash | 5 Invalid trap invocation stdout: status=1stderr: trap: foo: bad trap |
mksh | 5 Invalid trap invocation stdout: status=0stderr: |
dash | 6 exit 1 when trap code string is invalid stdout: status=0stderr: dash: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected |
bash | 6 exit 1 when trap code string is invalid stdout: status=0stderr: bash: exit trap: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' bash: exit trap: line 1: `echo <' |
mksh | 6 exit 1 when trap code string is invalid stdout: status=0stderr: mksh: syntax error: unexpected EOF |
mksh | 9 trap EXIT with PARSE error stdout: FAILEDstderr: mksh: <stdin>[2]: syntax error: 'newline' unexpected |
dash | 13 trap ERR stdout: A B C Dstderr: trap: ERR: bad trap trap: ERR: bad trap trap: ERR: bad trap |
dash | 14 trap ERR and pipelines (lastpipe and PIPESTATUS difference) stdout: stderr: |
osh | 14 trap ERR and pipelines (lastpipe and PIPESTATUS difference) stdout: A err [] status=1 [] B err [] status=1 [0 0] err [] status=1 [0 1] err [] status=1 [0 1 0] okstderr: |
dash | 15 error in trap ERR (recursive) stdout: stderr: |
dash | 17 trap 1 is equivalent to SIGHUP; HUP is equivalent to SIGHUP stdout: status=1 status=0 status=0 status=0stderr: trap: SIGHUP: bad trap |