Shell Language Idioms

These are like the YSH vs. Shell Idioms, but the advice also applies to other Unix shells.

Table of Contents
Use Only "$@"
Prefer test to [
Use Statically Parsed Language Constructs
test Should Only Have 2 or 3 Arguments
Prefer Shell Functions to Aliases
Prefer $'\n' to echo -e
How to Fix Code That strict_errexit Disallows
The local d=$(date %x) Pitfall
Variations With readonly and export
The if myfunc Pitfall
Remove Dynamic Parsing
Replacing declare -i, local -i, ...


Use Only "$@"

There's no reason to use anything but "$@". All the other forms like $* can be disallowed, because if you want to join to a string, you can write:


The same advice applies to arrays. You can always use "${myarray[@]}"; you never need to use ${myarray[*]} or any other form.

Related: Thirteen Incorrect Ways and Two Awkward Ways to Use Arrays

Prefer test to [

Idiomatic OSH code doesn't use "puns".


[ -d /tmp ]


test -d /tmp

The simple_test_builtin option enforces this.

Use Statically Parsed Language Constructs

Static parsing is one of the syntactic concepts. It leads to better error messages, earlier error messages, and lets tools understand your code.

test Should Only Have 2 or 3 Arguments

In POSIX, the test builtin has a lot of unnecessary flexibility, which leads to bugs.

See Problems With the test Builtin: What Does -a Mean?


test ! -d /tmp
test -d /tmp -a -d /tmp/foo


! test -d /tmp
test -d /tmp && test -d /tmp/foo

The simple_test_builtin option enforces that test receives 3 or fewer arguments.

Prefer Shell Functions to Aliases

Functions subsume all the common uses of alias, and can be parsed statically.


alias ll='ls -l'    


ll() {         # Shell Style
  ls -l "$@"

proc ll {      # YSH Style
  ls -l @ARGV

If you're wrapping an external command with a function of the same, use the command builtin:

proc ls {
  command ls --color @ARGV

Prefer $'\n' to echo -e


echo -e '\n'   # arg to -e is dynamically parsed


echo $'\n'     # statically parsed

How to Fix Code That strict_errexit Disallows

The strict_errexit feature warns you when you would lose errors in shell code.

The local d=$(date %x) Pitfall


local d=$(date %x)   # ignores failure


local d
d=$(date %x)         # fails properly

Better YSH style:

var d = $(date %x)   # fails properly

Variations With readonly and export

In these cases, the builtin comes after the assignment.


readonly d1=$(date %x)
export d2=$(date %x)


d1=$(date %x)
readonly d1

d2=$(date %x)
export d2

The if myfunc Pitfall


if myfunc; then
  echo 'Success'

Shell workaround when the $0 Dispatch Pattern is used:

myfunc() {
  echo hi

mycaller() {
  if $0 myfunc; then  # $0 starts this script as a new process
    echo 'Success'

"$@"  # invoked like mycaller arg1 arg2 ...

Better YSH Style:

try myfunc
if (_status === 0) 
  echo 'Success'

Remove Dynamic Parsing

Replacing declare -i, local -i, ...

The -i flag on assignment builtins doesn't add any functionality to bash — it's merely a different and confusing style.

OSH doesn't support it; instead it has true integers.

For example, don't rely on "punning" of the += operator; use $(( )) instead.


declare -i x=3
x+=1            # Now it's '4' because += will do integer arithmetic

Yes (shell style):

x=$(( x + 1 ))  # No -i flag needed

Yes (YSH style):

var x = 3
setvar x += 1

Likewise, don't rely on dynamic parsing of arithmetic.


declare -i x
x='1 + 2'     # Now it's the string '3'

Yes (shell style):

x=$(( 1 + 2 ))

Yes (YSH style):

var x = 1 + 2
Generated on Sun, 09 Jun 2024 05:10:27 +0000