1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Shell functions run on the host machine, OUTSIDE the container.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # soil/host-shim.sh <function name>
7 | #
8 | # Examples:
9 | # soil/host-shim.sh local-test-uke cpp-spec
10 |
11 | set -o nounset
12 | set -o pipefail
13 | set -o errexit
14 |
15 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
16 |
17 | source soil/common.sh
18 | source test/tsv-lib.sh
19 |
20 | live-image-tag() {
21 | ### image ID -> Docker tag name
22 | local image_id=$1
23 |
24 | case $image_id in
25 | (app-tests)
26 | # rebuild with curl
27 | echo 'v-2023-10-05'
28 | ;;
29 | (wild)
30 | # rebuild with curl, then g++
31 | echo 'v-2023-10-05a'
32 | ;;
33 | (bloaty)
34 | # new image and task
35 | echo 'v-2024-06-08'
36 | ;;
37 | (benchmarks)
38 | # freshen up
39 | echo 'v-2023-07-15'
40 | ;;
41 | (benchmarks2)
42 | # debian 12, python3, new R-libs
43 | echo 'v-2024-06-08b'
44 | ;;
45 | (cpp-spec)
46 | # Rebuild with jq, procps
47 | echo 'v-2023-07-17'
48 | ;;
49 | (pea)
50 | # freshen up
51 | echo 'v-2024-06-08'
52 | ;;
53 | (cpp-small)
54 | # Rebuild with Docker, remove dead code
55 | echo 'v-2023-07-15'
56 | ;;
57 | (clang)
58 | # Rebuild with wedges
59 | echo 'v-2023-08-09'
60 | ;;
61 | (ovm-tarball)
62 | # freshen up, still need spec-bin wedge
63 | echo 'v-2024-06-08'
64 | ;;
65 | (other-tests)
66 | # freshen up
67 | echo 'v-2023-07-15'
68 | ;;
69 | (dummy)
70 | # freshen up
71 | echo 'v-2024-06-08'
72 | ;;
73 | (dev-minimal)
74 | # Use python3 wedge and mypy-0.780 repo
75 | echo 'v-2023-07-15'
76 | ;;
77 |
78 | # Not run directly
79 | (common)
80 | # Rebuild with wedges
81 | echo 'v-2023-02-28f'
82 | ;;
83 | (*)
84 | die "Invalid image $image"
85 | ;;
86 | esac
87 | }
88 |
89 | make-soil-dir() {
90 | log-context 'make-soil-dir'
91 |
92 | mkdir --verbose -p _tmp/soil
93 | ls -l -d . _tmp _tmp/soil
94 |
95 | # Match what mount-perms does
96 | chmod --changes 777 _tmp _tmp/soil
97 | ls -l -d . _tmp _tmp/soil
98 | }
99 |
100 | show-disk-info() {
101 | # Debug 'no space left on device' issue
102 | echo 'DISKS'
103 | df -h
104 | echo
105 |
106 | # Useful but many permissions errors
107 | if false; then
108 | echo 'SPACE FOR IMAGES?'
109 | du --si -s ~/.local/share/ || true
110 | echo
111 | fi
112 | }
113 |
114 | podman-prune() {
115 | ### Should this work on Debian?
116 |
117 | if ! command -v podman; then
118 | echo 'no podman'
119 | return
120 | fi
121 |
122 | echo 'IMAGES'
123 | podman images --all
124 | echo
125 |
126 | if false; then
127 | # This causes an interactive prompt
128 | echo 'PRUNE'
129 | podman system prune || true
130 | echo
131 |
132 | show-disk-info
133 |
134 | echo 'PRUNE AS ROOT'
135 | sudo podman system prune || true
136 | echo
137 |
138 | show-disk-info
139 | fi
140 | }
141 |
142 | mount-perms() {
143 | ### Ensure that the guest can write to bind mount
144 |
145 | local repo_root=$1
146 |
147 | #show-disk-info
148 |
149 | log-context 'mount-perms'
150 |
151 | # We have to chmod all dirs because 'build/py.sh all' creates
152 | # build/temp.linux-*, for example. Also can't exclude .git/ because
153 | # submodules need it.
154 | time find "$repo_root" -type d -a -print \
155 | | xargs -d $'\n' -- chmod --changes 777 \
156 | | wc -l
157 | echo
158 | }
159 |
160 | job-reset() {
161 | ### Called between jobs
162 |
163 | #show-disk-info
164 |
165 | log-context 'job-reset'
166 |
167 | # The VM runs as the 'build' user on sourcehut. The podman container runs as
168 | # 'uke' user, which apparently gets UID 100999.
169 | #
170 | # Running as 'build', we can't remove files created by the guest, so use
171 | # 'sudo'.
172 | #
173 | # It's really these three dirs.
174 | # ls -l -d _tmp/soil _tmp/soil/logs _devbuild/bin || true
175 |
176 | sudo $0 mount-perms $PWD
177 | echo
178 |
179 | git status .
180 | echo
181 |
182 | # Similar to functions in 'build/clean.sh'
183 | local -a dirs=(_tmp _bin _build _devbuild _test)
184 | #local -a dirs=(_tmp)
185 |
186 | log 'Removing temp dirs'
187 | log ''
188 |
189 | du --si -s "${dirs[@]}" || true
190 | rm -r -f "${dirs[@]}"
191 | echo
192 |
193 | show-disk-info
194 | }
195 |
196 | save-image-stats() {
197 | local soil_dir=${1:-_tmp/soil}
198 | local docker=${2:-docker}
199 | local image=${3:-oilshell/soil-dummy}
200 | local tag=${4:-latest}
201 |
202 | # TODO: write image.json with the name and tag?
203 |
204 | mkdir -p $soil_dir
205 |
206 | # NOTE: Works on my dev machine, but produces an empty table on CI?
207 | $docker images "$image:v-*" > $soil_dir/images-tagged.txt
208 | log "Wrote $soil_dir/images-tagged.txt"
209 |
210 | $docker history $image:$tag > $soil_dir/image-layers.txt
211 | log "Wrote $soil_dir/image-layers.txt"
212 |
213 | # NOTE: Works with docker but not podman! podman doesn't support --format ?
214 | {
215 | # --human=0 gives us raw bytes and ISO timestamps
216 | # --no-trunc shows the full command line
217 | echo $'num_bytes\tcreated_at\tcreated_by'
218 | $docker history --no-trunc --human=0 --format '{{.Size}}\t{{.CreatedAt}}\t{{.CreatedBy}}' $image:$tag
219 | } > $soil_dir/image-layers.tsv
220 | log "Wrote $soil_dir/image-layers.tsv"
221 |
222 | # TODO: sum into image-layers.json
223 | # - total size
224 | # - earliest and layer date?
225 |
226 | here-schema-tsv >$soil_dir/image-layers.schema.tsv <<EOF
227 | column_name type
228 | num_bytes integer
229 | created_at string
230 | created_by string
231 | EOF
232 |
233 | log "Wrote $soil_dir/image-layers.schema.tsv"
234 | }
235 |
236 | run-job-uke() {
237 | local docker=$1 # docker or podman
238 | local repo_root=$2
239 | local job_name=$3 # e.g. dev-minimal
240 | local debug_shell=${4:-}
241 |
242 | log-context 'run-job-uke'
243 |
244 | # Do this on the HOST because we write the pull time into it as well. It's
245 | # shared between guest and host.
246 | make-soil-dir
247 | local soil_dir=$repo_root/_tmp/soil
248 |
249 | local -a flags=()
250 |
251 | local image_id=$job_name
252 |
253 | # Some jobs don't have their own image, and some need docker -t
254 | case $job_name in
255 | app-tests)
256 | # to run ble.sh tests
257 | flags=( -t )
258 | ;;
259 | cpp-coverage)
260 | image_id='clang'
261 | ;;
262 | cpp-tarball)
263 | image_id='cpp-small'
264 | ;;
265 | interactive)
266 | # to run 'interactive-osh' with job control enabled
267 | flags=( -t )
268 |
269 | # Reuse for now
270 | image_id='benchmarks'
271 | ;;
272 | esac
273 |
274 | local image="docker.io/oilshell/soil-$image_id"
275 |
276 | local tag=$(live-image-tag $image_id)
277 |
278 | local pull_status
279 | # Use external time command in POSIX format, so it's consistent between hosts
280 | set -o errexit
281 | command time -p -o $soil_dir/image-pull-time.txt \
282 | $docker pull $image:$tag
283 | pull_status=$?
284 | set +o errexit
285 |
286 | if test $pull_status -ne 0; then
287 | log "$docker pull failed with status $pull_status"
288 |
289 | # Save status for a check later
290 | mkdir -p _soil-jobs
291 | echo "$pull_status" > _soil-jobs/$job_name.status.txt
292 |
293 | # Return success
294 | return
295 | fi
296 |
297 | save-image-stats $soil_dir $docker $image $tag
298 |
299 | show-disk-info
300 |
301 | podman-prune
302 |
303 | local -a args
304 | if test -n "$debug_shell"; then
305 | # launch interactive shell
306 | flags+=( -i -t )
307 |
308 | # So we can run GDB
309 | # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35860527/warning-error-disabling-address-space-randomization-operation-not-permitted
310 | flags+=( --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined )
311 |
312 | # can mount other tools for debugging, like clang
313 | #local clang_dir=~/git/oilshell/oil_DEPS/clang+llvm-14.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04
314 | #flags+=( --mount "type=bind,source=$clang_dir,target=/home/uke/oil_DEPS/$(basename $clang_dir)" )
315 |
316 | args=(bash)
317 | else
318 | args=(sh -c "cd /home/uke/oil; soil/worker.sh JOB-$job_name")
319 | fi
320 |
321 | $docker run "${flags[@]}" \
322 | --mount "type=bind,source=$repo_root,target=/home/uke/oil" \
323 | $image:$tag \
324 | "${args[@]}"
325 | }
326 |
327 | did-all-succeed() {
328 | ### Check if the given jobs succeeded
329 |
330 | local max_status=0
331 | for job_name in "$@"; do
332 | local status
333 | read status unused_job_id < "_soil-jobs/$job_name.status.txt"
334 |
335 | echo "$job_name status: $status"
336 | if test $status -gt $max_status; then
337 | max_status=$status
338 | fi
339 | done
340 |
341 | log ''
342 | log "Exiting with max job status $max_status"
343 |
344 | return "$max_status"
345 | }
346 |
347 | local-test-uke() {
348 | ### Something I can run locally. This is fast.
349 |
350 | # Simulate sourcehut with 'local-test-uke dummy dummy'
351 | local job_name=${1:-dummy}
352 | local job2=${2:-}
353 | local debug_shell=${3:-} # add 'bash' to change it to a debug shell
354 | local docker=${4:-docker}
355 |
356 | local branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
357 |
358 | local fresh_clone=/tmp/soil-$job_name
359 | rm -r -f -v $fresh_clone
360 |
361 | local this_repo=$PWD
362 | git clone $this_repo $fresh_clone
363 | cd $fresh_clone
364 | git checkout $branch
365 |
366 | sudo $0 mount-perms $fresh_clone
367 | sudo $0 run-job-uke "$docker" $fresh_clone $job_name "$debug_shell"
368 |
369 | # Run another job in the same container, to test interactions
370 |
371 | if test -n "$job2"; then
372 | $0 job-reset
373 | sudo $0 run-job-uke "$docker" $fresh_clone $job2
374 | fi
375 | }
376 |
377 | local-shell() {
378 | local job_name=${1:-cpp}
379 |
380 | # no job 2
381 | local-test-uke $job_name '' bash
382 | }
383 |
384 | cleanup() {
385 | sudo rm -r -f -v _tmp/soil /tmp/soil-*
386 | }
387 |
388 | "$@"