1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Build a wedge.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # deps/wedge.sh <function name>
7 | #
8 | # Containerized build:
9 | #
10 | # $0 build deps/source.medo/re2c/
11 | #
12 | # Host build, without containers:
13 | #
14 | # $0 unboxed deps/source.medo/re2c/
15 | #
16 | # Individual steps:
17 | #
18 | # $0 unboxed-make deps/source.medo/re2c/
19 | # $0 unboxed-install deps/source.medo/re2c/
20 | # $0 unboxed-smoke-test deps/source.medo/re2c/
21 | #
22 | # Host dir structure:
23 | #
24 | # ~/git/oilshell/oil
25 | # deps/
26 | # source.medo/ # Source Files
27 | # MEDO # points to silo
28 | # re2c.wedge.sh # later it will be re2c.wedge.hay
29 | # re2c-3.0.blob # .tar.gz file that you can 'medo sync'
30 | # re2c-3.1.blob
31 | # opaque.medo/ # Binary files, e.g. Clang
32 | # derived.medo/ # Saved output of 'wedge build'
33 | #
34 | # _build/ # Temp dirs and output
35 | # obj/ # for C++ / Ninja
36 | # deps-source/ # sync'd from deps/source.medo - should it be
37 | # # _build/wedge/source?
38 | # wedge/ # for containerized builds
39 | # tmp/ # build directory
40 | # boxed/ # output of containerized build
41 | # # TODO: rename from /binary/
42 | # logs/
43 | # smoke-test/ # current dir for smoke test
44 |
45 | # Every package ("wedge") has these dirs associated with it:
46 | #
47 | # 1. Dir with additional tests / files, near tarball and *.wedge.sh ($wedge_dir)
48 | # 2. Where it's extracted ($src_dir)
49 | # 3. The temp dir where you run ./configure --prefix; make; make install ($build_dir)
50 | # 4. The dir to install to ($install_dir)
51 | # 5. The temp dir where the smoke test is run
52 |
53 | # For Debian/Ubuntu
54 |
55 | # Note: xz-utils needed to extract, but medo should make that transparent?
56 | #
57 | # Container dir structure
58 | #
59 | # /home/uke/
60 | # tmp-mount/
61 | # _build/ # Build into this temp dir
62 | # deps-source/
63 | # re2c/
64 | # re2c-3.0.tar.xz
65 | # re2c-3.0/ # Extract it here
66 | # wedge/
67 | # re2c
68 | # /wedge/ # Output is mounted to oil/_mount/wedge-out
69 | # oilshell.org/
70 | # pkg/
71 | # re2c/
72 | # 3.0/
73 | # debug-info/ # Probably needs to be at an absolute path because of
74 | # # --debug-link
75 | # re2c/
76 | # 3.0/
77 | #
78 | # Then Dockerfile.wild does:
79 | #
80 | # COPY _build/wedge/binary/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/re2c/3.0 \
81 | # /wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/re2c/3.0
82 |
83 | set -o nounset
84 | set -o pipefail
85 | set -o errexit
86 |
87 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
88 | readonly REPO_ROOT
89 |
90 | OILS_ABSOLUTE_ROOT='/wedge/oils-for-unix.org'
91 |
92 | # The user may build a wedge outside a container here
93 | OILS_RELATIVE_ROOT="$HOME/wedge/oils-for-unix.org"
94 |
95 | die() {
96 | echo "$0: $@" >& 2
97 | exit 1
98 | }
99 |
100 | #
101 | # Dirs
102 | #
103 |
104 | source-dir() {
105 | if test -n "${WEDGE_TARBALL_NAME:-}"; then
106 | # for Python-3.10.4 to override 'python3' package name
108 |
109 | else
110 | echo "$REPO_ROOT/_build/deps-source/$WEDGE_NAME/$WEDGE_NAME-$WEDGE_VERSION"
111 | fi
112 | }
113 |
114 | build-dir() {
115 | # call it tmp-build?
116 | echo "$REPO_ROOT/_build/wedge/tmp/$WEDGE_NAME-$WEDGE_VERSION"
117 | }
118 |
119 | install-dir() {
120 | local prefix
121 | if test -n "${WEDGE_IS_ABSOLUTE:-}"; then
122 | prefix=$OILS_ABSOLUTE_ROOT
123 | else
124 | prefix=$OILS_RELATIVE_ROOT
125 | fi
126 |
127 | # TODO: We want to support multiple versions of the same wedge
128 | # So maybe we can provide
129 | #
130 | # WEDGE_VERSION_LIST='4.4 5.2'
131 | #
132 | # And then provide a flag to select them?
133 |
134 | echo "$prefix/pkg/$WEDGE_NAME/$WEDGE_VERSION"
135 | }
136 |
137 | smoke-test-dir() {
138 | echo "$REPO_ROOT/_build/wedge/smoke-test/$WEDGE_NAME-$WEDGE_VERSION"
139 | }
140 |
141 | load-wedge() {
142 | ### source .wedge.sh file and ensure it conforms to protocol
143 |
144 | local wedge_dir=$1
145 | local version_requested=${2:-}
146 |
147 | echo "Loading $wedge_dir"
148 | echo
149 |
150 | source $wedge_dir/WEDGE
151 |
152 | echo " OK name: ${WEDGE_NAME?"$wedge_dir: WEDGE_NAME required"}"
153 |
154 | # This WEDGE supports a single version.
155 | if test -n "${WEDGE_VERSION:-}"; then
156 | echo " -- single version: $WEDGE_VERSION"
157 | fi
158 |
159 | # Can validate version against this
160 | if test -n "${WEDGE_VERSION_LIST:-}"; then
161 | echo " -- version list: $WEDGE_VERSION_LIST"
162 |
163 | if test -z "$version_requested"; then
164 | die "FAIL Expected explicit version, one of: $WEDGE_VERSION_LIST"
165 | fi
166 |
167 | case "$WEDGE_VERSION_LIST" in
168 | *"$version_requested"*)
169 | echo " OK Setting WEDGE_VERSION to $version_requested"
170 | WEDGE_VERSION=$version_requested
171 | ;;
172 | *)
173 | die "FAIL Requested version $version_requested should be one of: $WEDGE_VERSION_LIST"
174 | ;;
175 | esac
176 | fi
177 |
178 | if test -n "${WEDGE_TARBALL_NAME:-}"; then
179 | echo " -- tarball name: $WEDGE_TARBALL_NAME"
180 | fi
181 | if test -n "${WEDGE_IS_ABSOLUTE:-}"; then
182 | echo ' -- WEDGE_IS_ABSOLUTE'
183 | fi
184 |
185 | # Python and R installation use the network
186 | if test -n "${WEDGE_LEAKY_BUILD:-}"; then
187 | echo ' -- WEDGE_LEAKY_BUILD'
188 | fi
189 |
190 | for func in wedge-make wedge-install wedge-smoke-test; do
191 | if declare -f $func > /dev/null; then
192 | echo " OK $func"
193 | else
194 | die "$wedge_dir: $func not declared"
195 | fi
196 | done
197 | echo
198 |
199 | echo "Loaded $wedge_dir"
200 | echo
201 | }
202 |
203 | _run-sourced-func() {
204 | "$@"
205 | }
206 |
207 | #
208 | # Actions
209 | #
210 |
211 | validate() {
212 | local wedge=$1
213 | local version_requested=${2:-}
214 |
215 | load-wedge $wedge "$version_requested"
216 | }
217 |
218 | unboxed-make() {
219 | ### Build on the host
220 |
221 | local wedge=$1 # e.g. re2c.wedge.sh
222 | local version_requested=${2:-} # e.g. 5.2
223 |
224 | load-wedge $wedge "$version_requested"
225 |
226 | local source_dir
227 | source_dir=$(source-dir)
228 | echo " SRC $source_dir"
229 |
230 | local build_dir
231 | build_dir=$(build-dir)
232 |
233 | # NOT created because it might require root permissions!
234 | local install_dir
235 | install_dir=$(install-dir)
236 |
237 | rm -r -f -v $build_dir
238 | mkdir -p $build_dir
239 |
240 | # TODO: pushd/popd error handling
241 |
242 | pushd $build_dir
243 | wedge-make $source_dir $build_dir $install_dir
244 | popd
245 | }
246 |
247 |
248 | # https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Standard-Targets.html
249 |
250 | # Do not strip executables when installing them. This helps eventual
251 | # debugging that may be needed later, and nowadays disk space is cheap and
252 | # dynamic loaders typically ensure debug sections are not loaded during
253 | # normal execution. Users that need stripped binaries may invoke the
254 | # install-strip target to do that.
255 |
256 | _unboxed-install() {
257 | local wedge=$1 # e.g. re2c.wedge.sh
258 | local version_requested=${2:-} # e.g. 5.2
259 |
260 | load-wedge $wedge "$version_requested"
261 |
262 | local build_dir
263 | build_dir=$(build-dir)
264 |
265 | local install_dir
266 | install_dir=$(install-dir)
267 | mkdir -p $install_dir
268 |
269 | # Note: install-dir needed for time-helper, but not others
270 | wedge-install $build_dir $install_dir
271 | }
272 |
273 | unboxed-install() {
274 | local wedge=$1 # e.g. re2.wedge.sh
275 |
276 | if test -n "${WEDGE_IS_ABSOLUTE:-}"; then
277 | sudo $0 _unboxed-install "$@"
278 | else
279 | _unboxed-install "$@"
280 | fi
281 | }
282 |
283 | unboxed-smoke-test() {
284 | local wedge_dir=$1 # e.g. re2c/ with WEDGE
285 | local version_requested=${2:-} # e.g. 5.2
286 |
287 | load-wedge $wedge_dir "$version_requested"
288 |
289 | local smoke_test_dir
290 | smoke_test_dir=$(smoke-test-dir)
291 | local install_dir
292 | install_dir=$(install-dir)
293 |
294 | echo ' SMOKE TEST'
295 |
296 | local abs_wedge_dir
297 | case $wedge_dir in
298 | /*) # it's already absolute
299 | abs_wedge_dir=$wedge_dir
300 | ;;
301 | *)
302 | abs_wedge_dir=$PWD/$wedge_dir
303 | ;;
304 | esac
305 |
306 | # TODO: To ensure a clean dir, it might be better to test that it does NOT
307 | # exist first, and just make it. If it exists, then remove everything.
308 |
309 | rm -r -f -v $smoke_test_dir
310 | mkdir -p $smoke_test_dir
311 |
312 | pushd $smoke_test_dir
313 | set -x
314 | wedge-smoke-test $install_dir $abs_wedge_dir
315 | set +x
316 | popd
317 |
318 | echo ' OK'
319 | }
320 |
321 | unboxed-stats() {
322 | local wedge=$1
323 |
324 | load-wedge $wedge "$version_requested"
325 |
326 | du --si -s $(source-dir)
327 | echo
328 |
329 | du --si -s $(build-dir)
330 | echo
331 |
332 | du --si -s $(install-dir)
333 | echo
334 | }
335 |
336 | unboxed() {
337 | local wedge_dir=$1
338 |
339 | # Can override default version. Could be a flag since it's optional? But
340 | # right now we always pass it.
341 | local version_requested=${2:-}
342 |
343 | # TODO:
344 | # - Would be nice to export the logs somewhere
345 |
346 | unboxed-make $wedge_dir "$version_requested"
347 |
348 | unboxed-install $wedge_dir "$version_requested"
349 |
350 | unboxed-smoke-test $wedge_dir "$version_requested"
351 | }
352 |
353 | readonly DEFAULT_DISTRO=debian-10 # Debian Buster
354 |
355 | DOCKER=${DOCKER:-docker}
356 |
357 | boxed() {
358 | ### Build inside a container, and put output in a specific place.
359 |
360 | # TODO: Specify the container OS, CPU like x86-64, etc.
361 |
362 | local wedge=$1
363 | local version_requested=${2:-}
364 | local distro=${3:-$DEFAULT_DISTRO}
365 |
366 | local bootstrap_image=oilshell/wedge-bootstrap-$distro
367 |
368 | load-wedge $wedge "$version_requested"
369 |
370 | # Permissions will be different, so we separate the two
371 |
372 | local wedge_host_dir
373 | local wedge_guest_dir
374 | if test -n "${WEDGE_IS_ABSOLUTE:-}"; then
375 | wedge_host_dir=_build/wedge/binary # TODO: rename to /absolute/
376 | wedge_guest_dir=/wedge
377 | else
378 | wedge_host_dir=_build/wedge/relative
379 | wedge_guest_dir=/home/uke0/wedge
380 | fi
381 |
382 | mkdir -v -p $wedge_host_dir
383 |
384 | # TODO:
385 | #
386 | # Mount
387 | # INPUTS: the PKG.wedge.sh, and the tarball
388 | # CODE: this script: deps/wedge.sh
389 | # OUTPUT: /wedge/oils-for-unix.org
390 | # TODO: Also put logs and symbols somewhere
391 |
392 | # Run unboxed-{build,install,smoke-test} INSIDE the container
393 | local -a args=(
394 | sh -c 'cd ~/oil; deps/wedge.sh unboxed $1' dummy "$wedge"
395 | )
396 |
397 | local -a docker_flags=()
398 | if test -n "${WEDGE_LEAKY_BUILD:-}"; then
399 | :
400 | else
401 | # Disable network for hermetic builds. TODO: Add automated test
402 | docker_flags=( --network none )
403 | fi
404 |
405 | # TODO:
406 | # - Don't mount the whole REPO_ROOT
407 | # - We want the bare minimum of files, for cache invalidation
408 | # - Maybe make it read only
409 | # - Bind mount WEDGE_DEPS='', space separated list of paths
410 | # - py3-libs depends on python3 and mypy wedges!
411 |
413 | sudo -E $DOCKER run "${docker_flags[@]}" \
414 | --mount "type=bind,source=$REPO_ROOT,target=/home/uke0/oil" \
415 | --mount "type=bind,source=$PWD/$wedge_host_dir,target=$wedge_guest_dir" \
416 | $bootstrap_image \
417 | "${args[@]}"
418 | }
419 |
420 | smoke-test() {
421 | local wedge_dir=$1
422 | local wedge_out_dir=${2:-_build/wedge/binary} # TODO: rename to /boxed
423 | local version_requested=${3:-}
424 | local distro=${4:-$DEFAULT_DISTRO}
425 | local debug_shell=${5:-}
426 |
427 | load-wedge $wedge_dir "$version_requested"
428 |
429 | local bootstrap_image=oilshell/wedge-bootstrap-$distro
430 |
431 | local -a args=(
432 | sh -c 'cd ~/oil; deps/wedge.sh unboxed-smoke-test $1' dummy "$wedge_dir"
433 | )
434 | local -a docker_flags=()
435 | if test -n "$debug_shell"; then
436 | docker_flags=( -i -t )
437 | args=( "$debug_shell" )
438 | fi
439 |
440 | local wedge_mount_dir
441 | if test -n "${WEDGE_IS_ABSOLUTE:-}"; then
442 | wedge_mount_dir=/wedge
443 | else
444 | wedge_mount_dir=/home/uke0/wedge
445 | fi
446 |
447 | sudo $DOCKER run "${docker_flags[@]}" \
448 | --network none \
449 | --mount "type=bind,source=$REPO_ROOT,target=/home/uke0/oil" \
450 | --mount "type=bind,source=$PWD/$wedge_out_dir,target=$wedge_mount_dir" \
451 | $bootstrap_image \
452 | "${args[@]}"
453 | }
454 |
455 | if [[ $# -eq 0 || $1 =~ ^(--help|-h)$ ]]; then
456 | # A trick for help. TODO: Move this to a common file, and combine with help
457 | # in test/spec.sh.
458 |
459 | awk '
460 | $0 ~ /^#/ { print $0 }
461 | $0 !~ /^#/ { print ""; exit }
462 | ' $0
463 | exit
464 | fi
465 |
466 | case $1 in
467 | validate|\
468 | unboxed|\
469 | unboxed-make|unboxed-install|_unboxed-install|\
470 | unboxed-smoke-test|unboxed-stats|\
471 | boxed|smoke-test)
472 | "$@"
473 | ;;
474 |
475 | *)
476 | die "$0: Invalid action '$1'"
477 | ;;
478 | esac