1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Usage:
4 | # deps/from-apt.sh <function name>
5 |
6 | set -o nounset
7 | set -o pipefail
8 | set -o errexit
9 |
10 | # These are needed for bootstrapping pip in Python 3.10
11 | # (Also used by build/py.sh ubuntu-deps)
12 | #
13 | # For building Python 3.10 with working 'pip install'
14 | # libssl-dev: to download packages
15 | # libffi-dev: for working setuptools
16 | # zlib1g-dev: needed for 'import zlib'
17 | declare -a PY3_BUILD_DEPS=(libssl-dev libffi-dev zlib1g-dev)
18 |
19 | # for deps/from-R.sh
20 | declare -a R_BUILD_DEPS=(
21 | r-base-core # R interpreter
22 |
23 | # ICU for the R stringi package. This makes compilation faster; otherwise
24 | # it tries to compile it from source.
25 | # https://stringi.gagolewski.com/install.html
26 | libicu-dev
27 | )
28 |
29 | install-R() {
30 | ### For manual use OUTSIDE container
31 | apt-install "${R_BUILD_DEPS[@]}"
32 | }
33 |
34 | # https://github.com/moby/buildkit/blob/master/frontend/dockerfile/docs/reference.md#run---mounttypecache
35 |
36 | # TODO: Use this for ALL images
37 | apt-install() {
38 | ### Helper to slim down images
39 |
40 | apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends "$@"
41 | }
42 |
43 | init-deb-cache() {
44 | rm -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean
45 | echo 'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "true";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/keep-cache
46 | }
47 |
48 | layer-wedge-bootstrap-debian() {
49 | local -a packages=(
50 | # xz-utils # do we need this for extraction?
51 |
52 | gcc
53 | g++ # re2c is C++
54 | make # to build re2c
55 |
56 | # for cmark
57 | cmake
58 |
59 | # cmake -G Ninja can be used
60 | ninja-build
61 |
62 | # For 'deps/wedge.sh unboxed-install'
63 | sudo
64 |
65 | # uftrace configure uses pkg-config to find python3 flags
66 | pkg-config
67 | # uftrace configure detects with #include "Python.h"
68 | python3-dev
69 | # shared library for uftrace to do dlopen()
70 | # requires path in uftrace source
71 | libpython3.7
72 |
73 | # for USDT probes
74 | systemtap-sdt-dev
75 |
76 | # Dependencies for building our own Python3 wedge. Otherwise 'pip install'
77 | # won't work.
78 | # TODO: We should move 'pip install' to build time.
79 | "${PY3_BUILD_DEPS[@]}"
80 |
81 | # For installing R packages
82 | "${R_BUILD_DEPS[@]}"
83 | )
84 |
85 | apt-get update
86 |
87 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
88 | }
89 |
90 | layer-python-symlink() {
91 | ### A special layer for building CPython; done as root
92 | ln -s -f -v /usr/bin/python2 /usr/bin/python
93 | }
94 |
95 | layer-debian-10() {
96 | # Can't install packages in Debian without this
97 | apt-get update # uses /var/lib/apt
98 |
99 | # uses /var/cache/apt
100 | apt-install git python2
101 | }
102 |
103 | layer-debian-12() {
104 | # Can't install packages in Debian without this
105 | apt-get update # uses /var/lib/apt
106 |
107 | # uses /var/cache/apt
108 | # Soil's time-tsv3 can run under python3 too
109 | apt-install git python3
110 | }
111 |
112 | layer-locales() {
113 | apt-install locales
114 | # uncomment in a file
115 | sed -i 's/# en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen
116 | locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8
117 | }
118 |
119 | test-image() {
120 | ### For testing builds, not run on CI
121 |
122 | apt-install build-essential "${PY3_BUILD_DEPS[@]}"
123 | }
124 |
125 | wild() {
126 | # for build/py.sh all
127 | local -a packages=(
128 | gcc # 'cc' for compiling Python extensions
129 | g++ # for C++ tarball
130 |
131 | python2-dev
132 | libreadline-dev
133 | curl # wait for cpp-tarball
134 | )
135 |
136 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
137 | }
138 |
139 | dev-minimal() {
140 | local -a packages=(
141 | # TODO: remove
142 | python2-dev # for building Python extensions
143 | python-setuptools # Python 2, for flake8
144 | python-pip # flake8 typing
145 |
146 | gcc # for building Python extensions
147 | libreadline-dev
148 |
149 | python3-setuptools # mypy
150 | python3-pip
151 | # 2023-07: somehow this became necessary to pip3 install typed_ast, a MyPy
152 | # dep, which recently updated to version 1.5.5
153 | python3-dev
154 |
155 | # Note: osh-minimal task needs shells; testing WITHOUT spec-bin shells
156 | busybox-static mksh zsh
157 |
158 | gawk
159 |
160 | # 'ps' used by spec tests
161 | procps
162 | # for oil-spec task
163 | jq
164 | )
165 |
166 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
167 | }
168 |
169 | pea() {
170 | # For installing MyPy
171 | # apt-install python3-pip
172 |
173 | echo 'None'
174 | }
175 |
176 | other-tests() {
177 | local -a packages=(
178 | libreadline-dev
179 | python2-dev # osh2oil needs build/py.sh minimal
180 |
181 | # Compilers for R. TODO: try removing after wedge
182 | gcc g++
183 |
184 | make # to build py27.grammar.marshal, ugh
185 |
186 | r-base-core
187 | )
188 |
189 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
190 | }
191 |
192 | cpp-small() {
193 | local -a packages=(
194 | # for build/py.sh all
195 | libreadline-dev
196 | python2-dev
197 |
198 | # To compile Oil
199 | g++
200 | ninja-build
201 |
202 | # For 32-bit binaries with -m32
203 | gcc-multilib
204 | g++-multilib
205 |
206 | # For some tests
207 | gawk
208 |
209 | # for MyPy git clone https://. TODO: remove when the build is hermetic
210 | ca-certificates
211 |
212 | # for test/ltrace
213 | ltrace
214 |
215 | # for USDT probes
216 | systemtap-sdt-dev
217 | )
218 |
219 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
220 | }
221 |
222 | benchmarks() {
223 | ### For benchmarks
224 |
225 | local -a packages=(
226 | # for build/py.sh all
227 | libreadline-dev
228 | python2-dev
229 |
230 | # To build Oils
231 | g++
232 | ninja-build
233 | make # to build R packages
234 |
235 | # to create _test/index.html
236 | gawk
237 |
238 | # for stable benchmarks. TODO: could move osh-parser cachegrind to benchmarks2
239 | valgrind
240 |
241 | # benchmarks compare system shells -- they don't use our spec-bin? In case
242 | # there are perf bugs caused by the build
243 | busybox-static mksh zsh
244 |
245 | # retrieving deps like benchmarks/osh-runtime -- TODO: move to build time
246 | wget
247 | bzip2 # extracting benchmarks/osh-runtime
248 | xz-utils
249 |
250 | # For analyzing benchmarks.
251 | r-base-core
252 |
253 | # pgrep used by test/stateful in interactive task
254 | # TODO: Could move both Python and C++ to their own image
255 | # That will be a good use case once we have
256 | procps
257 | )
258 |
259 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
260 | }
261 |
262 | bloaty() {
263 | local -a packages=(
264 | g++ # for C++ tarball
265 | curl # wait for cpp-tarball
266 | )
267 |
268 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
269 | }
270 |
271 | benchmarks2() {
272 | ### uftrace needs a Python plugin
273 |
274 | local -a packages=(
275 | curl # fetch C++ tarball
276 | g++ # build it
277 |
278 | # uftrace needs a Python 3 plugin
279 | # Technically we don't need 'python3' or 'python3.7' -- only the shared
280 | # lib?
281 | libpython3.7
282 |
283 | # for stable benchmarks.
284 | valgrind
285 |
286 | # Analyze uftrace
287 | r-base-core
288 |
289 | # for MyPy git clone https://. TODO: remove when the build is hermetic
290 | ca-certificates
291 | )
292 |
293 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
294 | }
295 |
296 | cpp-spec() {
297 | ### For cpp-spec
298 |
299 | local -a packages=(
300 | # for build/py.sh all
301 | libreadline-dev
302 | python2-dev
303 |
304 | # To build Oil
305 | g++
306 | ninja-build
307 |
308 | # to create _test/index.html
309 | gawk
310 |
311 | # spec tests use these
312 | procps
313 | jq
314 |
315 | # for MyPy git clone https://. TODO: remove when the build is hermetic
316 | ca-certificates
317 | )
318 |
319 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
320 | }
321 |
322 | clang() {
323 | ### For cpp-coverage
324 |
325 | local -a packages=(
326 | # For build/py.sh minimal
327 | libreadline-dev
328 | python2-dev
329 |
330 | # Compile Oils
331 | g++
332 | ninja-build
333 |
334 | xz-utils # to extract Clang
335 |
336 | # for MyPy git clone https://. TODO: remove when the build is hermetic
337 | ca-certificates
338 | )
339 |
340 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
341 | }
342 |
343 | ovm-tarball() {
344 | local -a packages=(
345 | # build/py.sh all
346 | libreadline-dev
347 | python2-dev
348 |
349 | # retrieving spec-bin -- TODO: move to build time
350 | wget
351 | # for wget https://. TODO: remove when the build is hermetic
352 | ca-certificates
353 |
354 | # when spec tests use 'time', dash falls back on 'time' command
355 | 'time'
356 |
357 | # TODO: probably can remove C++ compiler now that re2c is a wedge
358 | gcc
359 | g++
360 |
361 | # for cmark
362 | cmake
363 | # to build Python-2.7.13 (could be a wedge)
364 | make
365 |
366 | xz-utils # extract e.g. zsh/yash tarballs
367 | bzip2 # extract e.g. busybox tarball
368 |
369 | # for syscall measurements
370 | strace
371 |
372 | # used by test/spec-runner.sh
373 | gawk
374 | )
375 |
376 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
377 | }
378 |
379 | app-tests() {
380 | local -a packages=(
381 | # build/py.sh all
382 | libreadline-dev
383 | python2-dev
384 |
385 | # retrieving spec-bin -- TODO: move to build time
386 | wget
387 | # for wget https://. TODO: remove when the build is hermetic
388 | ca-certificates
389 |
390 | curl # wait for cpp-tarball
391 |
392 | gcc
393 | g++ # for C++ tarball
394 |
395 | # to build ble.sh
396 | make
397 | # used by ble.sh
398 | gawk
399 | procps
400 |
401 | # for ble.sh contra
402 | libx11-dev
403 | libxft-dev
404 | libncursesw5-dev
405 | )
406 |
407 | apt-install "${packages[@]}"
408 | }
409 |
410 | if test $(basename $0) = 'from-apt.sh'; then
411 | "$@"
412 | fi